Updates: 11.11.04







< Therapies Main | Counselling Training  Page

What Is It? 
How Does It Work? 
What You Can Expect 
Health Benefits 
How To Choose a Practitioner 




Tsa-rlung  Nagpas  & Tibetan Medicine Amchi  Healers  Photo Gallery

Tulku Tenzin Norbu with Pema Rimpoche 
Lama Sijun-la (Thankas Painter Nagpa) and Kunzang Dorje Rimpoche in Parping
Lopon Sherab Dorje Rimpoche (Jatral Rimpoche)
William R Leon CAIRN CEO
Amchi Jampa KAILASH
Tulku Tenzin Norbu
Amchi Kunzang KUNPHEN Nyalam Tibet
Tsa-rLung Lamas Ang Dome Sherpa (Tsa-rLung Nagpa)
John & Julie ART@WORK
Tsa-Lung Master 
more to come...
more to come...
more to come...
Tulku Tenzin Norbu during  a Sand Mandala Drawing 
Tulku Tenzin Norbu giving blessings

Please visit us again!

Tulku Tenzin Norbu Rimpoche and Pema Tulku Rimpoche (Tutor)

Tulku Tenzin Norbu  in ceremony
Tsa-rLung Lama Ang Dome Sherpa in front of altar
Lopon Sherab Dorje  during Puja


Rejuvenation Tibetan Medicine Counselling Tsa-rLung  Healing Cairn  Campus Schedule

Copyright©  and  Footnote

This webpage is part of the new CAIRN Tsa-rLung Healing Center  being designed for the academic year 2004-05. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its multimedia online elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration.

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpage, or if you  have any problems loading Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage with your browser,
kindly contact us by email at our address : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> , or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Org / High Education and Training Provider, affiliated with
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM/Nepal,  UWS/CDS (Swansea University Wales / Center for Development Studies),
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit at UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN),
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs,
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001!

Copyright © 1997-2005 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our Webpages , or if you  have any problems loading the Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage
with your browser, kindly contact us by email at : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> ,  or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>