Updates: 11.11.04




















  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005










































Cairn Campus Online



Cairn Consortium



Cairn  Erasmus
EU-NGO Partners



Cairn  Counselling



Healing & Rejuvenation


Cain e- Marketing


Tibetan " Tsa-rLung "


General Programme


Cairn Campus
Professional Doctorate
Field-research & Thesis


Cairn Campus
Boddhanath Stupa
Tibetan Medicine &
Psychotherapy (R&D)

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Cairn Campus


Cairn Campus
Audio-visual  Anthropology
(Digital Archives Project)



Cultural Immersion Field-studies Nepal/India


Tibetan Medicine,
Tsa-rLung Healing
and  Rejuvenation Seminars
(January-February 2005)


Research Publication
















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Tibetan  Medicine

Nepal  Field-studies 


 Application Form







NGOs  professionals, researchers and scholars :

Options :

           Non- Academic Tours&Study

  Incoming  EU- Research Students

  Incoming  Asian NGOs/HEIs  Trainees or Students

Information for registration options




    Non- Academic Tours&Study

Non- Academic Participants or self-sponsored Research Students / Scholars  who may be interested to come to Nepal, Tibet/China and India, for a personalized project Itinerary within selected resources of Cairn Consortium Network, should apply directly with a more simple application form, which can be found at :




             Incoming  EU- Research Students

This information is for European students wishing to find out more about study and life in Nepal within Cairn Euro-Asian exchange Programme. Regarding  Academic registration of trainees or research students for the year 2004/2005, EU- candidates should fill in the Application Form, Transcript of Records and Learning Agreement (please, ask your local Supervisor). The responsible  EU University should send the 3 documents by e-Mail only to CAIRN CEO, a mimimum of three months before arrival in KTM, and even more practicaly within 6 months before arrival for research field-study, if possible. Such documents must be duly signed by the Departmental Coordinator of the EU Home Institution. Students who arrive at CAIRN/SXC Nepal HQ without having sent before the above documents duly signed, may not be accepted.

EU students will submit a Certification from their EU Home Institution concerning the period that they wish to study/research in the Host Institution in Asia/Nepal. The Cairn CEO (International Relations Office) will send the Certification, Biodata and the student's registration form to the concerned resource  in KTM. The student is then registered to the concerned Unit within the conditions he/she qualifies for.

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates in Nepal / Tibet Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars. Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any question or querry email at: leon@sped.ucl.ac.be




             Incoming  Asian NGOs/HEIs  Trainees or Students


This information is for Non-European Union / Asian trainees or students wishing to find out more about study and life in the EU or Canadian Cairn Campus Student Exchange Network. 

How to apply:
Applications for international exchange must include the following:

  1. A completed ‘Application form for Exchange students in the EU or Canada (Please note that your personal projzect transcript for your application form will be especially discussed with you during interviews online or face-to-face before application form is finalized). Please take direct contact with RWL at: leon@sped.ucl.ac.be 
  2. Tape or portfolio to determine the student’s work and academic standing (see ‘Biodata’).
  3. A transcript of records with information on grades and credits of previous and current higher education.
  4. A letter of motivation
  5. A letter of recommendation
  6. A signature of approval of the person responsible for international exchange at your home institution.
  7. Visa requirements check-list either for EU or Canada (incl. proof of financial means).







All students, researchers, scholars, NGO trainees and academic members have a dedicated account manager, whose role it is to understand your personal project aims and resources, your contextual needs and eventually your organisation’s perspective, so as to ensure that you will be benefiting from the full potential of your membership.

Full details of our membership scheme can be found from direct contact with RWL (Cairn CEO) at CAIRN Consortium email : leon@sped.ucl.ac.be

We trust you will find them exciting and look forward to welcoming you as a new member.


Student Membership

Complimentary Student Memberships are available to all postgraduate students who register at any Cairn Consortium network institution. In addition, the academic member may nominate for complimentary student membership any number of students within any department using the Options presented at Cairn Postgraduate Menu.

Graduate students can join by filling out the Student Membership Application, which will be sent by email. Department chairs or any regular members of Cairn Consortium may nominate undergraduate students for complimentary membership by sending the student's name, postal mailing address, and e-mail address to : leon@sped.ucl.ac.be


  • Networking with Europe and Asian peers, faculty, and professionals in the field

  • Visibility in the applied Psychology and Cross-cultural Psychotherapy R&D community

  • Access to cutting edge ICT-VLE cross-cultural pedagogy research

  • Resources for identifying and developing career options in Asia

  • Free membership in Cairn Intervention Research Activity Group

  • Free subscription to Cairn Newsletter (print)

  • Free subscription to Cairn Newsletter (electronic)

  • 30% discount on all Cairn publications

  • 10% discount on up to four (4) students/trainees any number of Cultural Immersion schemes in Nepal and India. (one month duration minimum)

  • Eligibility to serve on CAIRN Consortium Members committees

All students, regardless of membership status, are eligible for reduced registration rates  to attend Cairn Psychotherapy Experiential Training Seminars & Conferences in the EU.




Cairn  International  Studies

Cairn  International  Studies will improve European students' ability to work in an increasingly globalized environment in Nepal and surrounding Asia. The goal is to prepare European students and trainees for focused international tasks, promote interactive and communicative skills and encourage an open and receptive attitude towards the Himalayan region ethnic cultures. Cairn Euro-Asian Network will further increase opportunities for internships, field-research and online studies within an international dimension and with selected international experts cooperation.

Cairn Cross-Cultural Awareness program stresses that for an Euro-Asian cross-cultural training to be effective as an enhancement for an international development organization, it must deal with several complexities in the learning process, including that of providing flexible options for genuine Projects-based Cultural Immersion. Just providing information, or some online courses, is not an effective approach for the future Euro-Asian relations, beyond that of a basic introductory level. 

Cairn believes that such training should be an interactive intercultural process, through the use of flexible training modules being a menu of Cultural Immersion Options organized in strategic target-sites, where the behavioral situation, case studies, scenarios, critical incidents, catharsis and crisis resolution, will bring participants and beneficiaries focused and longterm results.


Cairn is also launching a stepwise development of a Mixed Mode Postgraduates and Masters ECDL/ECTS Certification centered around disciplines initiated from the EU partners units and linked with the pressing issues of Nepal/Asian LDCs Development Management. This unique mode of study allows students the flexibility to study through a combination of residential home courses in the EU, field-study in Asia, group sessions and flexible distance learning.  The recommended pattern of study starting in 2004/2005 is currently under-design, for the following options.






General  Programme  Options  (*)

(c) RWL 2004-05 (adapted draft- only)

Cairn  international collaboration programs with selected European and Asian High education Institution (HEI) Units join the contemplative philosophy practices of awareness with a 21st century global citizenship intervention. Cairn approaches international education from a wide perspective being useful to both students, trainees and the local target- communities - one that includes the ethics, intellect, intuitive insight, motivation, clairvoyance, and a willingness to explore with mind and heart together. Studying and living overseas fosters intercultural competence, critical thinking, and the ground for compassionate engagement with the world.

Cairn Options offer opportunities for strategic sites exploration, indepth needs diagnosis, seeking of remedials, as well as vision and growth at the personal, community and professional level. Our programs are designed to meet a variety of interests and needs - from Introduction Certificates (ECTS/ECDL) upto Postgraduate Masters and intensive training seminars to expand your field of work and enrich your every day.   Cairn Fall 2004-05 Highlights Menu include:


General  Programme  Options / Click on Options for more details

 Personalized Project  Certificate  and  Diploma Duration 
Cross-Cultural Awareness
Option 01: HRD & ICT-/VLE Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 02: Development Policy Certificate  and  Diploma CDS Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 03: Counselling Short Courses Certificate  Open Learning: 1 to 3 years
Option 04: Psychology HRD Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 05: Org Management Short Courses Certificate  Open Learning: 1 month EU
Option 06: Marketing Online Short Courses Certificate Open Learning: 1 month EU
Option 07: Doctorate Studies Professional Doctorate Thesis : 3 to 5 Years
Option 08: Tibetan Medicine Health Anthropology ECTS Open Learning  Credits
Option 09: Shamans Rituals Health Anthropology ECTS Open Learning  Credits (*)
Option 10: Phenomenology Phenomenology R&D Open Learning  Credits (*)
Option 11: Cultural Awareness Certificate  and  Diploma Open Learning: 1 to 3 years
Option 12: Visual Anthropology Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 13: Energo- Therapy Certificate  and  Diploma For clinical practitioners only!


All Options allow Cultural Immersion or Coaching R&D in Nepal/S-Asia and/or the EU. For (*) Clinical Praxis Options, please take direct contact with RWL for your personalized project MoU!

Participatory Evaluation and
Group Facilitation Pedagogy 


NB: all Options cited hereabove may be done in a non-academic/non-credits fashion, if interested...







Cairn  Education Counselling  Services

CAIRN  Education Counselling Center will assist higher education students, 
trainees and/or researchers in making rational and cost-effective decisions,
while reviewing the process and curriculum options, presented hereunder :


 Cairn  Mission  Statement  

  Joint- Postgraduate,  Masters  &  Doctorate  Studies  (General Programme)

  Culture  Change  Options

  CAIRN  Postgraduate  Degrees Certification (ECTS/ECDL)

  CAIRN  Cultural Immersion Field-studies (Tentative Itinerary)

  CAIRN  Cultural Immersion Field-studies - Case Studies (ie: Tibetan Medicine)

  CAIRN  Consortium - HEIs/NGOs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Partnership

  CAIRN  Consortium - Euro-Asia Network: Asia-Link / Erasmus Mundus Project (R&D)

  CAIRN  Consortium - A General Outlook

Please click on " A General Outlook" hereabove for a one page, full programme details!



Cross-cultural  Awareness  Volunteer  Programme

The Cairn Euro-Asian Cross-cultural  Awareness  Volunteer  Programme  has a genuine cross-cultural  immersion learning and research experience as its main goalAs an innovative initiative in Euro-Asia university and High Education Institutions (HEIs)  linkages, this platform  is widely regarded as timely and appropriate, provided that key element of its strategy be refocused as much on the future of sustainable and relevant high education exchange niches, than addressing Asian LDCs pressing priorities and bringing more awareness on Nepal dramatic current issues. This innovative programme is accordingly the only one of its kind, which links  European researchers with strategic sites selected in the Himalayan region and places them accordingly at grassroots in a most favourable position to assess the prospectives of Asia. While on the one hand, it addresses the future relations of Europe with Asia LDCs emerging economies and the result of imported development policies, Cairn also seeks for innovative, beneficial and ethical personal development avenues within the rich traditional, philosophical and cultural heritage of the Himalayas, which as tools in terms of attitude, knowledge and decision-making process may lead to better understanding, mutual respect and collaboration.

With activities being organized under the legal umbrella of registered local HEIs and non-profit  organizations (NGOs), such as the St-Xavier Campus(SXC), St-Xavier's Social Services Center

(SXSSC), Nepal Institute for Health Science (NIHS), RECID (TU/IOM), KUNPHEN Tibetan Medical Center, KAILASH Tibetan Medical Center (Amchi Jampa), and/or other selected  intervenors and community support groups, Cairn offers a unique choice of true experiential and professional opportunities for thesis researchers, postgraduate students, professionals and/or international volunteers, including the possibility to enjoy the amazing beauty of the Himalayan region nature, rich culture and real involvement with people in daily life.

Given that this programme is fundamentally about creating and expanding new and sustainable structural opportunities for students, researchers and trainees to share and upgraded their knowledge, attitude and awarenness, it will remain flexible and based upon students projects,  within a Menu of Open Learning ECTS/ECDL Options. While the present set of priorities range from ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD), ‘e-Marketing Online Curriculum Development’ and other technical market-driven categorisations,  emphasis is being brought to cover areas being: Social/Health Anthropology, Clinical Anthropology, Psychotherapy, Ethnomedicine, Drug Abuse Counselling Training, Tsa-rLung Tibetan Medicine Energotherapy, Tantras, Philosophy, Languages, Arts & Humanities, Investigation Journalism and other more precise topics which may be developed without limitations by students or trainees in order to address their objectives.

Responding to the needs of future relations between Europe and Asia, Cairn Erasmus will seek,  encourage and support Projects that reflect the urgent need for more awareness on LDCs priorities. For doing so, it has taken steps since several years to gather a core of respected/experienced EU and Asian scholars and interveners, who all are involved on a daily basis in universities and NGOs services in/with least developed Asian countries (LDC) and who bring the much needed constructive but critical appraisal tools and resources for an effective cooperation. While focusing on the evaluation of the past for fostering the future, Cairn original approach is in the two-fold nature of its Curriculum Options studying as much the European and Asian spiritual heritage values, than personality or modern e-technology. 

Following  the recent European Commission  decisions, the new Erasmus Mundus programme
partnerships will be developed to strengthen European/Asian co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality  European/Asian   Joint-curriculum Masters Courses, enabling students and visiting scholars to engage in postgraduate study 
at European universities, as well as by encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third Asian countries.

The CAIRN new scheme will proceed using both Cultural Immersion (Tour&Study) in selected strategic sites in Asia, as well as the usual combination of online courses, lectures, seminars, group work and practical fieldwork, including a dissertation. Students will be continuously assessed by tutors online on the basis of their essays, report writing and presentation of portfolios. There are no examinations for this programme, as the final aim is based on personalized experiential and tailored project which fulfilment will require genuine and continuous efforts on the ground...



Strategic  Asian Target-site(s)  Location

Situated in the strategic site of Boddhnath Stupa ( KTM Valley Nepal), itself a crossroad and 
a renown pilgrimage powerplace, Cairn Consortium is at the core of the Himalayan region outstanding beauty, as well as immerged into local religious, cultural, commercial and (post-) development issues. As a Regional HEIs/NGOs Network, Cairn also has other selected partners located in North India (Sarnath, Varanasi, Delhi and Tsopema HP), Tibet - TAR (Nyalam, Lhasa, Kham) and China (Shanghai), Thailand, Burma (Myanmar) and Bali...

From their learning, seeing, talking, listening, practicing, experiencing, travelling and discussing – Cairn programme participants will emerge from their stay with a different view of Asia, of their home country and also perhaps of themselves.  For some, this will have been their first encounter with Nepalese, Tibetans or Chinese, and they will return home with much to ponder. Perhaps for some others the greatest reward will have been the friendships established with other participants, and with the local people and youth they got to know.  Regardless of the respective backgrounds, Cairn will have been a meeting place for some of the brightest and most interesting students and will be remembered and valued for the rest of their lives.


CAIRN  Innovative  Pedagogy

(Tentative Itinerary & Process)

During 28 days minimum and to upto 4-5 months maximum, motivated high school students or researchers being gathered from various parts of Canada, UK, the United States and Europe, will come to Bodhanath Stupa - KTM to live, study, practices and travel together in the whole of the Himalayan range, exploring a very different culture and lifestyle, and a very different perceptions of people and themselves.  They will experience both the traditions and changes that make the Stupa of Bodhanath so distinctive and so important for being able to grasp and understand insights of the present things, and things to come, in a variety of ways enabling them to understand what they see. 

Participants will choose from a wide variety of online courses, or bring a personal research theme, allowing them to gain an understanding of some of the key concepts, background and methodology of some of the controversial topics that are at the forefront of the changes sweeping through Nepal, Tibet, China and India. From the meeting of these prerequisite with their experiential, they will be in position to appreciate the deep traditions and history that underlie everything that happens in the Himalayan region and around. 

Students and researchers will work with qualified NGOs experts, academic tutors of repute and the young local generation to undertake different field studies and investigate for themselves the key issues of their projects. Coaching, supervision and daily briefings, sometimes discussed in classes is an important aspect of the quality of experiential. Through extensive opportunities they will meet and talk with a wide range of people, from lamas, artists, businessmen, NGOs or HEIs officials, to ordinary shopkeepers, youth and workers, by visiting villages, urban homes, SMEs small enterprise workplaces, local NGOs, monasteries, temples, schools, they will compare what they learn in class with what they experience themselves. This combination of high-level academic instruction with project-based investigative learning, discussions and debates, and online broadband interaction with database online is what will make Cairn programme a unique opportunity, in a unique place.

Face to face language tutorials in Nepalese, Indi, Tibetan and/or Chinese are made available as options for those who seek the abilities which will allow them to share, understand, develop, or hone their skills in close contact with local people.

Demolition of the old and construction of the new are everywhere, including the effects of the ongoing Maoists insurgency. This is the time to register what Nepalese, Tibetan and Chinese people are feeling, living through and hoping for now.  Students will forever be referring to this experience by saying, "When I studied there, this is what Nepal was like…."






Euro-Asia Transcultural   Cultural Immersion  Volunteer  Options

15, 21~ days,  and  upto 4 months in  Nepal,  India or Tibet (TAR)
Quality  Escorted  Experiential  Tours  & R&D  Field-studies  in
 Tibetan  Traditional  Medicine  and  Tantras  Psychology, 
Arts Therapy,  Himalayan Shamans Healing
and Divination,  Termas  Powerplaces :



  • Gain an understanding of cross-cultural differences

  • Develop ways to improve communications between NGOs  employees and colleagues in Asia, Europe and the US, or  between academic multicultural teams 

  • Gain a better understanding of how cultural differences impact communications, management and business development

  • Understand Asian & Western business etiquette & protocol

  • Gain an understanding of how the Asians, Americans and Europeans view each other

  • Understand the intricacies of cross-border marketing

  • Develop print and web content that is culturally sensitive 





CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


 Erasmus Mundus and Asia-Link Framework: Y2005-06

 Cross-Cultural Awareness Applied Psychology Training

 Tibetan Medicine Philosophy and Materia Medica (ECTS)


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Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


































CAIRN  CONSORTIUM  INTERNATIONAL | Nepal | Tibet | Bruxelles | Nice |London


CAIRN Consortium  is joining together human resources counselling training  and
ICT- / Adult Education Online   technology  for a renewed  Euro-Asian  expertise 

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training 

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our Webpages , or if you  have any problems loading the Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage
with your browser, kindly contact us by email at : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> ,  or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>