Welcome to CAIRN

Euro-Asian Doctorate Studies
CAIRN Doctorate degrees are based on the EU
directives governing Professional Doctorate / Adult Continous
Education / Open Learning credits, gained by
participants presenting a Doctorate Thesis project
which conceptual, experiential and methodological requirements are achieved through a flexible accumulation of ECTS/ECDL
credits in the fields of ICT- Arts&Therapy
and Humanities Field-Studies.
Suitable experienced
candidates can be admitted for a Professional Doctorate Thesis in subjects, such as: Euro-Asian
Education Exchange Marketing and
Promotion Strategy Prospectives (HEIs, NGOs and SMEs), the use
of e-learning Multimedia
Database for Humanitarian Assistance training development, field-studies in Philosophy, Traditional
Health, Ethnomedicine, Clinical Anthropology and/or Shamanism.
The thesis link to traditional health
phenomenology and to CHOWs training, within their
hermeneutics, geo-political, religious and social
dimensions for services delivery, will be
particularly encouraged.
Cairn organizes
Professional Doctorate Thesis (ECTS/ECDL)
from the opportunity provided by Directives for
EU Continuous Education (Professional
Training) wit a training content based on
applicants previous professional experience or renewed
There are already
hundreds of examples of Open Learning Online, Continuous Adult Education and Professional Postgraduates
and Doctorates within the EU and British
universities, not mentioning Private Education Providers
in USA, Canada, Australia and UK.
However, none so far,
have designed an integrated framework of options
being a cost-effective flexible menu of EU certified credits from an experts academic units network collaboration, and
being affordable for answering the specific needs and
priorities of students and trainees in
Even less is being
done so far for answering the EU researchers or students
interest in Traditional Health or Philosophy from
serious academic resources in Nepal, in such areas
of ongoing studies in the Arts & Humanities, as
Dharma, Tibetan Philosophy, Ethno-medicine or
Himalayan Traditional Health.
This is why Cairn
Consortium, in collaboration with the SXC/SXSSC has
initiated a new platform for academic exchange and
field-studies, including VLE resources with courses
online, videos streaming and education counselling
database, from a selection of genuine key-
resources, persons and infrastructures in situ.
Members of
the CAIRN EU-Asia Network Doctorate Supervision Board
Function |
Institutional Status |
EU-NGO Organization Management |
Immersion Coordination CAIRN CEO: |
William R
Mixed-Mode System Management: |
M-J |
Swansea U Wales/UK |
Supervision Board (ECTS/ECDL) |
William B ROBINS SJ |
St-Xavier's College SXC/SXSSC KTM |
Prof. Ian
Swansea U Wales UK |
Helene HINTJEN |
Swansea U Wales UK |
Antonio GUERCI |
Genova U
Scarpa Ethnomedicine Unit Italy |
Prof. Robert
Belgium (on standby) |
Dr. Julie
Consultancy Canada (on standby) |
Dr. Marco
ISI-CNV ITaly (idem) |
for other
members, please go to : Consortium |
The key features of
Cairn Postgraduate and Doctorate degrees are:
a- the titles are
different from MSc or PhD – they directly refer to a
particular field-expertise or profession, for which
credits are being gained by applicants who submit a
personal project for a Professional Postgraduate or
Doctorate in areas of their previous professional
experience or renewed interest, such as: EdD (education),
DBA (business management) , DHA (health
anthropology) , DEC (education counselling) and other
open disciplines certification.
b- these are designed
for experienced professionals who want to do a PhD
parttime while remaining at work and who want to proceed
through a personalized accumulation of credits
c- their aim is to
make an original contribution to professional knowledge
and professional practice through a Thesis.
d- they are studied in
the work-place on an actual problem occurring in the
local community, as well as allow short intensive Summer and
Winter Campus organized in the EU (min 3 weeks, max 3
months), and, of course, Cultural Immersion
Field-studies in Nepal/S-Asia.
e- they naturally
involve action research and stepwise ethnographic
investigation, from which (consensual diagnosis) a problem
is identified, an intervention project designed is
initiated, some possible solutions are devised and
implemented. The joint-supervision allows effectiveness
to be monitored by experts in the field, so as to comply
with EU academic requirements.
f- as there is a
significant conceptual, methodological and know-how taught
component in each individual project, material and references
are brought online. This allows the development of
knowledge in a most flexible and cost-effective manner
in-situ, provides a focus-group cohort identity, allow the
teaching of research methods, propose the provision
of extended open menu of related subject training, allows
an easy online sharing of experience and methodologies
through forum, and encourage de visu (face-to-face)
collective debate on common issues, experiences and
relevance of each research topic through focused Seminars in
the specific profession or training involved.
(for more
details, kindly click here!)
Immersion and Field-studies
CAIRN also
promotes non-credits cultural immersion tours cum experientials field-studies in clinical
anthropology, ethno-medicine and counselling intervention
research organized for EU sholars and professionals
in Nepal, India and the Himalayan region.
CAIRN(Nepal) Cultural Immersion and Field-studies
for EU scholars being interested in the
Himalayan region, S-Asia and Nepal equation, may focus on current Euro-Asian geo-political issues,
including the history, hermeneutics and
representations prevailing upon local paradigm. Finally,
CAIRN(Nepal) also provides resources online and consultancy to local schools, NGOs and SMEs (Small and Medium
Browse Euro-Asian
Doctorate Studies (Professional) |
Project / Concept :
Preparatory Certificate to R&D Thesis
Skills |
Skills |
Coaching &
Mentoring |
Learning |
Diversity |
Group-focused &
Teams |
ICT/VLE General
Training |
Legal Framework for
Thesis |
Board |
Development |
Design |
Methodology |
Contract |
Stage |
(Memo) |
Literature |
Ethnographic Survey |
Issues |
Tools Development
Planning |
Optional Specialist
Module |
Thesis |
Participatory Evaluation and
Group Facilitation
Pedagogy |
Applicants must propose
a Doctorate Thesis / Research
Project :
Minimum prerequisites
for participation are a BA level, or 3 years minimum
professional involvement in a related NGOs and ICT- field
of activities.
Applicants need to
apply on basis of drafting a personal project proposal,
and aim gaining a Postgraduate Study Certificate (1 year
duration : 60 credits) and/or Diploma (3 years
duration : 180 credits). They may also choose
to attend ECTS credits
certified Undergraduate level Short Courses.
This scheme includes
courses options which may be attended both at the SXC in
Nepal (first semester modules) and in the EU itself (one to
three months maximum duration in the
Non- degree or
undergraduate participation is possible for specific
ICT-/System or Software training modules, as presented in
the Summer & Winter Intensive Training Campus
options. These are organized with selected ICT-
training resources based in EU. Conditions for
applications are under the usual registration
SXC/CAIRN(Nepal) Study
Abroad General Terms & Conditions abide to the
EU visa modalities and to the respective
international/national regulations as a project
The SXC may assist
promising Nepalese students or scholars, at a later
stage (Y2003), through a combination of scholarships
and other provisions, to be considered with EU
CAIRN Education
Counselling Center will assist higher education
students, trainees and/or researchers in making
rational and cost-effective decisions, while reviewing the
process and curriculum options, presented hereunder :
Programme Options |
Short Courses Certificates are of a duration of 1
year, of which 1 month option in EU |
Project |
Certificate and
Diploma |
Duration |
Option 01: HRD &
Certificate and
Diploma |
Certif: 1 Year /
Dipl: 3 years |
Option 02:
Development Policy |
Certificate and Diploma
Certif: 1 Year /
Dipl: 3 years |
Option 03:
Counselling |
Short Courses Certificate |
Open Learning: 1 to
3 years |
Option 04:
Psychology HRD |
Certificate and
Diploma |
Certif: 1 Year /
Dipl: 3 years |
Option 05: Org
Management |
Short Courses Certificate |
Open Learning: 1
month EU |
Option 06: Marketing
Online |
Short Courses Certificate |
Open Learning: 1
month EU |
Option 07: Doctorate
Studies |
Professional Doctorate |
Thesis : 3 to 5
Years |
Option 08: Tibetan
Medicine |
Health Anthropology ECTS |
Open Learning
Credits |
Option 09: Shamans
Rituals |
Health Anthropology ECTS |
Open Learning
Credits |
Option 10:
Phenomenology |
Phenomenology R&D |
Open Learning
Credits |
All Options allow Cultural
Immersion or Coaching R&D in Nepal:S-Asia and/or the
EU |
Evaluation and Group Facilitation
Pedagogy |
Under each option
or module, you will find a click for further details
on the course, seminars, field-studies and areas of
your interest !
CAIRN General
Program provides opportunities to:
Learn essential
concepts and skills that have an impact on human resource
and information management roles.
Focus on specific
areas within the strategic areas of human resource
management (HRM), based on your own choice of elective
Become aware of the
latest trends and techniques in ICT-/HRD through
professional development seminars.
Network with
practitioners, instructors and peers.
Make a field-study
paper, coaching or assignement in Asia or the
For participants
interested in gaining a Postgraduate Diploma, the
credits gathered during those Certificates may be
linked to the two Potsgraduate Diploma / Foundation
Courses found in the Options being :
- CAIRN Option 01 :
ICT-/ VLE & Human Resource Development (TOT)
and - CAIRN Option 04 : Applied
Psychology to Human Resource Management
which have the same
core curriculum resources.
CAIRN Education
Counselling Center will assist higher education
students, trainees and/or researchers in making
rational and cost-effective decisions, while reviewing the
process and many options for S-Asia or Europe Study
CAIRN various
degrees being proposed are:
Postgraduate Diploma (duration 3 years)
Modules(*) / Postgraduate Diploma
Participants aiming to
a Postgraduate Diploma (3 years duration) must
accumulate 180 credits in six compulsory modules
(20 credits each), chosen from their project
specialization. In addition to the compulsory modules,
participants are expected to complete a dissertation
(60 credits) on a relevant topic. Credits include
participation to Short Courses, and
eventually EU Summer/Winter Campus
cross-cultural schemes.
Postgraduate Certificate (duration 1 year)
Modules(*) / Postgraduate Certificate For a
PostgraduateCertificate (1 year) 60 credits only
must be gained. Postgraduate Certificate applicants
will select three compulsory modules (20 credits each),
for a total of 60 credits of their choice. Credits
include participation to Intensive Seminars and Short
Courses, and eventually EU
Summer/Winter Campus cross-cultural schemes..
Postgraduate Open Learning :
Part-time Adult
Education / Undergraduate Short Study These are
Open Learning part-time Foundation Courses,
either focusing on Language, Marketing Online,
HRD and/or on ICT-/VLE System
Management skills linked to CAIRN options.
Eligibility conditions are based on the
participants academic background and/or
professional experience (NGOs/SMEs).
- Optional
Placement Module :
This module is
accessible after completion of minimum a Certificate,
and focuses on a set of agreed tasks or an assignment for
placement with an I/NGO, donor organization or an
ICT-/HRD specialized training related NGO/SME in the
EU. Credits may be gained this way.
Professional Doctorate (Thesis) : See
details above!
- Summer &
Winter Campus in the EU (duration 3 weeks) :
The Summer and
Winter Campus / Intensive Training Modules in the EU
are accessible within the period of completion of
minimum a Certificate, and focus on high-end
professional / postgraduate training, inclusive of a
cross-cultural and languages immersion. Options are
proposed hereunder and will be of a particular
interest to professional and/or master's degree
applicants, who are seeking for a focused, flexible,
cost-effective and short duration upgrading of their
curriculum vitae and technical skills in relation with
European opportunities .
students/researchers may also benefit from the same
Summer &
Winter Intensive options are
high-end Training Campus professional modules
in the EU, which will allow to focus on renewed
Euro-Asian trans-cultural skills, gain insights in
language (English and French) and upgrade ones
Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and
communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate
research students. It offers selected online courses and
field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development
priorities and intervention research niches, such as in
HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian
Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology,
Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling,
Remediation, etc... Being certified as
Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or
training projects, within a flexible menu, Cairn options
are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based
in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and
Cairn Academic
Coaching is a personalized program and is offered
one-on-one by appointment.
offers a rigorous but flexible program of experiential
cultural immersion study options, grounded on the methodology
of Adult Continuous Education Mixed Mode ECTS/ECDL
Certification and e-Learning resources in the integrated
fields of Health Anthropology, Humanitarian Assistance,
Applied Psychology to Counselling and Tibetan Medicine
Energotherapy. Based on the comparative approach of the
Tibetan Nyingma tradition, it is enriched with studies and
practices from other faiths, practices and philosophies, such
as the Qi Qong, Tao, Keltic, Shamanic and Yogas healing
traditions, as well as western science, pedagogy, psychology
and organizational leadership training methods.
The curriculum follows levels of a stepwise knowledge
and embodiment coursework, designed to develop a fully
qualified practice in ethical organizational leadership,
healing and counselling. The levels correspond to EU
Postgraduate and Professional Doctorate levels study. Serious
students who don't want to complete the whole curriculum and
people non interested in certification, per se, but would like
to follow CAIRN Experiential Tours & Study practices are
also welcome to participate.
study and training for European Postgraduates in