update: 01AUG2005









  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005






Humanitarian   Assistance  Boddhanath Stupa - Safe Heaven " The  Island of Peace  Project "






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Cairn Consortium



Professional  Doctorate


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    “ Christendom  and  Vajrayana Traditions : An Interfaith Peace-Zone Initiative ”


“New Asia and Europe : Higher Education in the Face of the Challenges of Academic and INGOs Cooperation for more relevant EU Humanitarian Assistance and Prospective-Development (Cultural Immersion Training) “





Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.

Cairn Academic Coaching  is a personalized program and is offered one-on-one by appointment.

CAIRN offers a rigorous but flexible program of experiential cultural immersion study options, grounded on the methodology of Adult Continuous Education Mixed Mode ECTS/ECDL Certification and e-Learning resources in the integrated fields of Health Anthropology, Humanitarian Assistance, Applied Psychology to Counselling and Tibetan Medicine Energotherapy. Based on the comparative approach of the Tibetan Nyingma tradition, it is enriched with studies and practices from other faiths, practices and philosophies, such as the Qi Qong, Tao, Keltic, Shamanic and Yogas healing traditions, as well as western science, pedagogy, psychology and organizational leadership training methods.

The curriculum follows levels of a stepwise knowledge and embodiment coursework, designed to develop a fully qualified practice in ethical organizational leadership, healing and counselling. The levels correspond to EU Postgraduate and Professional Doctorate levels study. Serious students who don't want to complete the whole curriculum and people non interested in certification, per se, but would like to follow CAIRN Experiential Tours & Study practices are also welcome to participate.




Draft  Title:

"The Boddhanath Stupa, Island of Peace"



CAIRN Consortium:  Euro-Asia Network for Cross-cultural Awareness Certificate, including Humanitarian Assistance & Applied Psychology


Component : Curriculum Development or HRD in Humanitarian Assistance

Area(s) : Cross-cultural Awareness Cultural Immersion Training Modules, International Relations, Social/Health Anthropology, (Post-) Prospective Development Studies, Humanitarian Assistance, Crisis Prevention, Ethno-medicine and Psychology (Himalayan Tibetan Medicine Psychotherapy)

Lead Applicant: CAIRN/SXC Nepal (RWL © 2004-0)

Partners : (open... ) 

Project Location : Nepal (LDC), Belgium, United Kingdom, more...




The HumaNet / NOHA EU- experts meeting, held with the support of the EC-/ ECHO, Erasmus- Mundus and Asia-Link at the UCL/POLS/LLN (on March 04-07 2005), has been instrumental through multiple exchanges between Humanitarian Assistance INGOs intervenors, diplomatic representatives, donors and European academic units, in providing us with the motivation and insights for the envisioned creation in KTM - Nepal of the first Inter-Faith “ Island of Peace “ (Peace Zone), to be situated in the  famous Himalayan pilgrimage target-site : Boddhanath Supa (KTM Nepal).

The concept: 'Zone of Peace'  or  Island of Peace”  (ie: Les Isles de Paix, du Pere Pire, Belgium) has already been used by various NGOs, donors and humanitarian organizations around the world. It appears in Africa, Central America, Philippines, the United Nations and elsewhere. As the concept of what constitutes a Zone of Peace,  indeed, differs from place to place, it can be expanded, as in this case, to include the preservation of a Spiritual and/or Cultural Heritage, such as in the Boddhanath Stupa Pilgrimage Site (UNESCO Heritage Site). 

An “Island of Peace” is a strategic site, with a sacred, religious, historic, educational, cultural, geographical and/or environmental importance, protected and preserved by its own community and officially recognized by a governmental and/or international authority. It is not merely a "Demilitarized Zone", but a sanctuary that operates with ethical principles of non-violence, free from weapons*, acts of violence, injustice and environmental degradation.

It is seen therefore a suitable and potential base-camp (safe-heaven or logistics platform) for gathering training data and prepared intervention resources, in other words to be acting as an EU observatory for Humanitarian Assistance Postgraduate Training, including data analysis for strategic decision making and the subsequent launching of humanitarian assistance or intervention.

The present CAIRN strategic initiative (RWL) follows the long list of previous detailed discussions held during the period 1999 to 2005, both in Europe and in Nepal, on how to bridge the opportunities offered in theory by the EC- Asia-Link and Erasmus Mundus Programmes, with viable and self-sustainable projects meeting the actual needs diagnosis and consensual remedials for KTM Valley and Nepal in general, and Boddhanath target-site in particular. There remains nowadays a very urgent need to promote in the EU more awareness and understanding on the current Himalayan political crisis, on its important (but seldom known) ethnic refugees migration flux and related geo-political and economic fragile equation. Meetings were held with the EC-  Representation in KTM (Giap Dang, Ch. Touwaide), as well as with the Belgium Consulate in KTM NP, the EC- / Asia-Link desk in Belgium (BRU) and selected EU academic units (such as UCL/POLS/LAAP: Singleton, P-Jo, P.O, the  UCL/NOHA: B.P, the UWS/CDS Center for Development Studies Wales University : Ian Clegg, the UWS/DACE: HMJ, the University of Nice Anthropology Unit: Devos, University of Genoa Ethno Scarpa: Guerci, etc…),  as well as other CAIRN Consortium EU and Nepal partners, on the urgency to set-up an European academic observatory online allowing more relevant data gathering and strategic analysis, for conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance training, despite the fact the heavy EC- administrative  tools often seldom permit self-sustainable bottom-up commitments, per se.

This draft wants to link the existing local resources in KTM Nepal (SXC) with potential EC- fundings of an non competitive biding access, if any. It wants to approach the structure of Asia-Link and Erasmus-Mundus with an innovative approach, which is not money first, but commitment and relevance, rather. It has been discussed with reputed intervenors and educators at SXC, as being of relevance. It has been submitted for appreciation at the European Commission (EC) Representation in KTM Nepal (M.M. Giap Dang and Ch. Touwaide), in direct relation with its deep concern at the worsening security situation in Nepal. Considering the possibility of  EU external mediation to help resolve the present Maoist conflict, it also assesses that too often, INGOs imported slogans seminars and/or Western driven initiatives are plagued by superficial misrepresentations, leading to irrelevant decision making in mediation, efforts while facing the abyss of Nepal/Himalayan/Tibetan ethnic, religious and geopolitical complexity…

As a reminder, let us quote Mr. Rudiger Wenk, Chargé d’Affaires of the EC delegation in Nepal in 2004, who, while addressing a one-day symposium on the Buddhist Approach for the Solution to the Present National Conflict, said that the conflict has escalated despite all the efforts undertaken by donors, NGOs and the civil society. He expressed the fact that it did jeopardize the EC- assistance programmes, among others, and was of the opinion that Nepal was not any more in a position to solve the conflict without external mediator. However, he was quick to add that any mediator, in order to be efficient, had to be accepted by both parties.


It is, similarly, CAIRN’s position, that relevant resource persons could contribute to lessen the exacerbation of this conflict, provided that such people were trained to digest the equation and its contradiction, at all level of crisis.

References of the above CAIRN quoted material are presented at:








and other related links…



The recognition of a Boddhanath Stupa “Island of Peace” by local religious elites, HMG agencies, donors, NGOs and academic units, would be the expression of their commitments to preserve the peaceful integrity in the designated sacred site. Its custodians, members, participants and visitors would exemplify mutual respect and non-violent behaviour while on the site, and share their resources with expatriate intervenors and trainers for furthering peace, education and defining remedials, in inter-cultural/disciplinary intervention schemes.

It could provide a model of excellence, acting as a culturally appropriate reference of possibilities to put the Peace efforts and related Humanitarian Assistance into genuine practice in Nepal. The conditions required are simply those of mutual and self-respect that most thoughtful people and leaders would like to see in their own communities, throughout the world.

The online platform will be an occasion for participants to interact with the concerned community, NGOs and academics, on selected themes of discussion and analysis:

(A) Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Nature of Nepal's Continuing Conflict;
(B) Potential Roles of Religious and Civil Society Elites for Peace;
(C) Humanitarian Assistance Training, for effective Work in Conflicts;
(D) Minimising the Impact of Violence and Creation of Peace Zones;
(E) The Role of ICT- Database Information and Media in Conflict.

This platform will link comprehensive reading online materials and video stream docs, with a selection of articles and scriptures by Nepali academics, intellectuals, religious elites and social activists on various aspects of Nepal's history, politics, development programmes for solution to the root causes of the ongoing conflict.

Duration:  either Erasmus-Mundus Asia and/or Asia-Link three years (36 months), if applicable...



Nepal Sit-Rep:

News from Nepal are not good! On date 10.08.05, the United States warned Nepal's king Gyanendra to return the country to democracy or face a slide towards chaos. The comments came as the bodies of 40 soldiers killed in fighting with Maoist rebels in the remote western district of Kalikot were recovered. The rebels said they lost 26 men in the attack on an army camp late on Sunday.

A BBC correspondent in Nepal says the fighting seems to be the bloodiest since King Gyanendra seized power more than six months ago. Unverified claims by both sides suggest the number of people killed in the clash may be much higher.

The US ambassador to Nepal, James Moriarty, accused King Gyanendra of reneging on reforms he had promised to introduce after he dismissed the government and assumed absolute control in February. "Unless the principles of freedom, civil rights and democracy once again take root through a process of true reconciliation among the legitimate political forces, I fear Nepal will inexorably slide towards confrontation, confusion and chaos," he said. 

More than 11,000 people have been killed during the nine-year insurgency, which aims to replace Nepal's monarchy with a communist republic. Just when it seems that revolutionary communism has all but disappeared in the world, Nepal's Maoist rebels seem to grow stronger and stronger. It is estimated that they now have between 10,000 to 15,000 fighters, and are active across the country, with many parts completely under their control.

So how did the rebels transform themselves from a small group of shotgun-wielding insurgents in 1996 to the formidable fighting force they are today?

The disillusionment of the Maoists with the Nepalese political system began after democracy was re-introduced in 1990.


Shining Path

Many who are key figures in the rebel movement today played a role alongside mainstream political parties in over-throwing Nepal's absolute monarchy. Although they participated in the country's first parliamentary elections, their disenchantment with ceaseless political squabbling - and their anger at the plight of the rural poor - prompted them to take up arms. In doing so, there is little doubt that the two key rebel leaders, Prachanda and Baburam Bhattarai, derived their inspiration from Peru's Shining Path rebels.

Rebel fighters

Maoist military strength has increased considerably in recent years

Both men wanted to emulate the Shining Path's stated objective of destroying government institutions and replacing them with a revolutionary peasant regime.

As with the Shining Path, Nepal's Maoists deal with dissent ruthlessly. Human rights groups say that like the security forces, they are guilty of numerous summary executions and cases of torture.

The Nepalese Maoists have also made some "homegrown" modifications to Maoist ideology.

Caste resentment

They argue that what makes them different from other communist parties in the country is that they want a complete revamp of the multiparty democratic system as part of a programme aimed at turning the country into a Marxist republic.

But on this issue there is some ambiguity, because in the past Maoist negotiators have hinted that they will abandon this demand so that the peace process can be kick-started.

In fact the only area where they have stayed consistent is in their demand for an end to Nepal's constitutional monarchy.

Another key grievance of the rebels was the resentment felt by lower caste people against the authority wielded by the higher castes.

The Maoists say that the reason they have so much support is because most of their supporters have traditionally been treated as second-class citizens or worse.

Many analysts say this is the real explanation as to why such a seemingly anachronistic movement has made such dramatic headway.

Soldiers stand guard at a Kathmandu junction

The rebels can now threaten Kathmandu itself

Unquestionably there is a substantial number of people in Nepal who see the Maoists as the only genuine alternative to the old, repressive social order.

The first Maoist attack is believed to have taken place in 1996, when six government and police outposts were attacked simultaneously in mid-western Nepal. Similar attacks took place on a regular basis in the same area over the next few years.

Initially the rebels were not taken seriously at all by the government, diplomats, journalists or the all-pervasive aid agencies that dominate Nepal's economy. They were lightly armed and not considered a genuine military threat.


Rebel abductions

But since then they have become one of South Asia's most potent rebel groups, rivalling the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka. Today the Maoists are well organised, and the firepower at their disposal greater than ever.

Rifles and explosives have been stolen from captured police outposts and it is believed that the country's open border with India has made it easier to smuggle arms and money.

Maoist rally in Nepal

While many support the Maoists, others are fearful of them

So powerful have the Maoists become that few dare defy them when they call a general strike in Kathmandu. The rebels' threat to cut off the city from the rest of the country can no longer be considered an idle one.


In the summer of 2004, the rebels abducted hundreds of school children for a week-long "re-education" course on Maoist ideology right under the noses of the security forces on the outskirts of Kathmandu.

The Maoists may not yet have the strength to win their "People's War" but they are too strong to lose it.

As one analyst put it, the government appears to be caught in a classic catch-22 situation.

Until there is substantial social and economic development in the areas of the countryside where the Maoists hold sway, the insurgency will continue.

But development cannot happen until the government gains even limited access to these areas, and access can only be achieved by using highly unpopular and potentially counterproductive military means against a well-organised guerrilla army.

Such a dangerous and strategically volatile political scenario will require major efforts and political commitment to put and end to the ongoing conflict revamped in various regions of Nepal.




EU Sitting Resources:

In preparation for the worse to come, the St- Xavier's Campus and Social Services, Cairn umbrella INGO partners in KTM, now sit on Humanitarian Assistance strategic health and logistics resources that have been gathered in the last three years by St- Xavier's (SXC/SXSSC) and the local Belgium Consulate related paramedical expatriate community. These resources are on stand-by!

Meanwhile, the European Commission Representation in KTM is contributing to confidence building measures a crucial step to re-launch on more solid basis the interrupted peace process.

EC assistance to Nepal dates back to 1977. Current aid activities operate within the 1996 EC-Nepal Framework Co-operation Agreement. Development assistance has been granted in areas such as irrigation and watershed management, animal health, reproductive health, primary education, refugees, and institutional capacity building.

A previous EC strategy document expired in 2001. In order to have a coherent presentation of the overall EC new strategy, the period covered by this document is 2002-2006.

The 2002-2006 EC strategy supports HMG/N development efforts as defined in the Agenda of Priority Reform Actions and the PRSP/10th Five Year Plan (2002-2007). It addresses Nepal’s foremost objective of poverty reduction including: broad-based economic growth (development of agriculture), social sector development, targeted programmes, good governance and decentralisation.

The EC’s co-operation strategy is linked to the economic and political situation in Nepal through appropriate initiatives in favour of the country’s lasting development. Long-term support for the rural sector will focus on the Mid-Western Regions while the development of renewable energy (photovoltaic) will concern Nepal's rural areas with no access to electricity. Considering Nepal’s instable situation, special attention will be given to the finalisation of a coherent Poverty Reduction and Conflict Mitigation Strategy aimed at consolidation of democracy. While support for sustainable development remains the long-term objective, conflict mitigation and consolidation of democracy emerge as important corollaries of the long-term strategy, with short-term (RRM-Rapid Reaction Mechanism) support of local communities, local media and conflict monitoring and medium-term initiatives (extension of RRM, support for the Judicial system and promotion of Human Rights). Assistance for the legislative elections is, for the time being, on standby and humanitarian assistance for refugees will also be considered on ad hoc basis.

Other areas of co-operation will include Nepal’s integration into the International Economy with provision of technical assistance to facilitate Nepal’s compliance with the rules of WTO and to promote economic activities.

Throughout the proposed strategy focussed on poverty reduction, great attention will be paid to cross-cutting themes such as reforms and governance and to an increasing participation of disadvantaged social groups in development initiatives. Similarly, promotion of the rule of law and human rights will help to sustain the national reconciliation process, and thus contribute towards the ultimate goal of peace.

The EC's overall indicative allocation to Nepal over the next five years is estimated at €70 million. One of the latest related initiative consists in a so-called: Conflict Mitigation Package – I, Nepal, (ref- Publication Reference: EuropeAid/121817/C/G/NP) from which the European Commission (EC-) is seeking proposals for projects in support of a) Confidence Building Measures for Local Communities in the Mid Western and Far Western Region of Nepal and b) Mass Communication and Media throughout Nepal, with financial assistance from the EC budget line 1910.01 ‘Financial and technical cooperation with Asian developing countries’.

The objective of the programme is said to address the needs and constraints of the most vulnerable and poor, particularly in the far western and mid-western region of Nepal, through improvement of the socio-economic conditions, and by increasing the general awareness about root causes of the conflict and means to address them appropriately. Considering that imported development corruption recipes by NGOs have been amongst the major development errances in KTM these last 20 years, there obviously is therein enough food for thoughts.... Within the package, Conflict Mediation and Dialogue is amongst the aims proclaimed.



Erasmus Mundus:

European universities are to welcome almost 1000 third-countries graduates and academics to study and teach in the EU in 2005-2006 (EC- : Brussels, 4 July 2005). The European Commission has selected 803 third-country students and 133 third-country scholars from all over the world to receive Erasmus Mundus scholarships for the next academic year (2005-2006). The students will study in Europe for one or two years to obtain a European masters' degree from one of the 35 Erasmus Mundus masters courses. They will follow their courses in at least two universities in two different countries, giving them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with European lifestyles, cultures and languages. The scholars will instead spend an average of three months in Europe working for one of the Erasmus Mundus masters courses.

The 35 existing Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses - which cover a wide range of disciplines [1] - received thousands of applications from students and scholars from all over the world. The university consortia assessed the applications and selected the best ones. This selection was then submitted to the European Commission, which established the final list of successful candidates on the basis of a set of eligibility criteria.

Of the 803 students, 455 were selected in the framework of the general Erasmus Mundus programme. The remaining 353 fall within the country-specific Asian "windows" in Erasmus Mundus. As for the scholars, 112 were selected under the general programme and 21 under the "China Window".

The 455 students selected under the general Erasmus Mundus programme come from 84 different countries, with Brazil (35), Russia (31), Ukraine (23), USA (20), China (18), Mexico (18), and Nigeria (18) ranking in the first places. The 353 students selected under the Asian windows come mainly from India (133), China (67), Pakistan (31), Thailand (28), and Malaysia (23). The USA (24) and Brazil (12) are the best ranked countries (35 in total) for scholars.

Nearly EUR 30 million (of which EUR 17 million under the general programme and EUR 13 million under the Asian "windows") will be used to fund the 803 Erasmus Mundus students. More than EUR 1.5 million (of which EUR 270 000 for the China "Window") have been set aside to fund the scholars. The student grant will vary between EUR 21.000 and EUR 42.000, depending on the duration of the courses. Scholars'grants will be on average EUR 13.000 for a period of 3 months.

For further information, including a geographical breakdown of the Erasmus Mundus third-country students and scholars selected under the 2005-2006 Call, see:



Project Abstract 

Cairn Erasmus is a three- to five- years Asian-European partnership PILOT project, aiming to setup and implement cultural immersion postgraduate curriculum options coaching with and distance learning mixed-mode coaching in the field of cross-cultural awareness and field-research support e-management. The emphasis is on establishing a relevant network for Humanitarian intervention and strategic issues field- research analysis methodologies, with technical guidelines and tools to develop further Open Learning & Tutoring for Capacity Building in Humanitarian Assistance Rapid Intervention and other sustainable options answering local needs and priorities in times of crisis... 

One of the clear intention is to use e-learning Dbase systems as facilitation tools to strengthen long-term partnership co-operation based on existing curricula in home university partners and accordingly develop a cross-cultural and flexible menu, as a foundation for future interventions and related multimedia products.

Depending upon the final consensual policy with partners, this project may also be considered as a HRD (human resource development) project in the field of capacity building for the setup of a Nepal KTM based centre of excellence NETWORK for Humanitarian Assistance NGOs training, itself within the Cross-cultural Awareness Curricula Options overall platform.

General Description

The CAIRN Network for Euro-Asia Cross-Cultural Awareness Psychology and Humanitarian Intervention joint- post-graduate diploma was launched in 2004 after extensive monitoring of the Asia-Link and Erasmus Mundus Asia, as well as detailed discussions with selected partners and the EC- relevant services. 

This three-years multidisciplinary post-graduate diploma programme, is divided into three components of one year certification each. The diploma is organised under the ECTS/ECDL guidelines and in close consultation with ongoing EC- funded Asia-Link, Erasmus Mundus and SOCRATES-ERASMUS partners.  As a cultural immersion mixed-mode multi-disciplinary curriculum, CAIRN is designed to raise professional standards in the field of Euro-Asia cross-cultural strategic decision making, including humanitarian assistance. It comprises an intensive introductory home-base programme, general e-learning options, followed by an extensive cultural immersion internship or field-research module in Asia.

Main Objective

The main objective is to give a general and multi-disciplinary overview and to train students capable of gathering grassroots data, pursuing local NGOs and institutional linkage, utilizing relevant methodology and data entries, analyzing at a local and at the global level the needs diagnosis, challenges and potential remedials, to be defined as strategic decision making at policy level of international agencies, as well as the practical level of rapid intervention, crisis remediation and humanitarian aid operations. 

The synergy consists in a networking with current existing (or previously already funded) EC- Asia-Link and Erasmus Mundus Asia projects in Nepal, as added-valued self-sustainable approach to Asian LDCs high education market-niches and actual needs & priorities in target-sites. 

The operational objectives are to develop specific measures for strengthening the co-operation among European and Asian academic units with Mixed-mode Cross Cultural Awareness Immersion Certificate Options, in order to further enhance the integration and strategic impact of such awareness projects as a critical mass in strategic decision making and increase the EU cross-cultural credibility.

This draft only gives an overview of current activities and possible options hereunder presented for a discussion with concerned partners, at first stage...

Operational Objectives

The project aims to establish a network of selected universities, HEIs and possibly TOT NGOs to enhance Cross-cultural Awareness Curriculum Options exchanges in the fields described hereabove. Through academic exchange Cultural Immersion, Field-research, focused-group workshops and interfacing with non-academic actors, it is planned to establish and to train a cohorte of intervenors, postgraduate students, staff and scholars from (or linked to) European and Asian Universities. The teams will be able to expand the expertise chosen, make it available to a wider public and practitioners, especially in order to strengthen the efficacy and credibility in situ of EUROPEAN INTERVENTION AID POLICY DECISION MAKING... More...
Activities: ...

Logframe: ...

Originality: Cultural Immersion Coaching cum Mixed-mode Dbase support to field- research initiative and HA intervention. Flexible menu of options for personalized training or research projects. Certification options from One Year eq. ECTS/ECDL 60 credits Posgraduate Foundation Certificate upto Three Years  eq. ECTS/ECDL 180 credits as a Specialization Diploma. Curriculum options entirely focused upon NEPAL CASE-STUDY!  The three specialized integrated modules of 1 year each may be cumulated upto 3 years (3X60= 180 ECTS/ECDL credits). Participants may choose Options based on the existing ECTS/ECDL certification arrangements with their own EU home-university. if none so far exist in the particular EU home country, interested participants may register directly online with CAIRN SXC Nepal HQ. Cairn is a platform open to personalized research cultural immersion projects coaching, as a priority. It also seeks to be self-sustainable as a joint-venture based upon current needs and priorities in Asian LDCs Nepal, and on the high education market-niches in the EU.


Nepal  case-study 

What happens when a highly segmented, traditional society like Nepal Himalayan region begins to experiment with imported modern, basically alien political concepts in order to accelerate  development? The current Maoist insurgency in Nepal is a case-study of donors and NGOs attempts to promote Development Aid recipes and related Democratic Institutions in the feudal castes driven society of the Himalaya. The various country strategic reports produced by the EC, DFID and GTZ (amongst others) provide a detailed and objective examination of the failure of imported development mechanisms, as shown in the last fourteen years following the early 90s Nepalese revolution. 

While there is no- way Nepal can go back in time, it remains that much could be done using EU academic platforms to increase more awareness in the West on the reality of current Himalayan issues, to fight some of the prevailing misrepresentations inducing in the West irrelevant decision-making at policy level, and consequently to try and promote remedials using the recent innovative Internet technology huge appeal to the Youth for promoting "stepwise culturally appropriate" remedials.

Nepal can’t resolve this crisis by itself and it desperately needs the help of the international community. Nepali politicians have failed the people, the palace has failed in its duty, the security forces have failed and for sure the Maoists do not provide an attractive alternative if we judge them by their actions. It is important that the international community is unified in pressuring all sides in this conflict and bringing an end to the abuses, which are very much at the base of the conflict. Both the Maoists and the security forces are targeting and using civilians in their war effort. 

But what we see is a deep split within the international community. There are some like the European community which have taken a strong stance against the abuses by the government but they have been hampered to some extent by the much greater silence on the part of the US and, to a lesser extent, the Indian Embassy, which are major players in the country. 

States providing weapons, like USA, UK, India and ... Belgium!, should inform their public opinion and pressure the Nepali government to abide by its commitments under international human rights and humanitarian laws, the Geneva Conventions. And EU universities should promote more awareness and training in various knowledge building remedials... 

How to do this - very practically - could be from an Open Learning Portal / Cultural Immersion Mixed Mode platform, focused on core issues of Nepal / Himalayan Region strategic relevance, which may be the experiential substance for Cross-Cultural Awareness in Humanitarian Assistance and for Open Menu Cultural Immersion Awareness Research Options. 

The achievements of the project could highly contributed to the current EU- Delegation KTM/Nepal efforts in fostering Peace, Awareness and Understanding of the Himalayan Region / Nepal current issues,  from a genuine grassroots academic units, HEIs and NGOs networking for Peace and Awareness Building co-operation, while providing participants with tailored project-based knowledge, skills and know-how for a practical exchange outcome.

While this project aims to integrate awareness components of target- grassroots KABPs into sustainable crisis resolution management from a Asian/Nepal perspective, the desired strong partnership between the EU and Asian partners, could help Nepalese to give Peace a better chance... More...


Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate Options

The Cairn Erasmus Cross-Cultural Awareness Postgraduate Project is an Action-Research based, multilingual, interdisciplinary, inter-university postgraduate programme, that will provide genuine inputs of quality high education and NGOs cross-cultural awareness professional competences for students, researchers, personnel working or intending to work in the areas of social, health, education and crisis intervention in Nepal and Asia. 

The overall programme is divided into three parts of one year certificates:

  • Part One consists first in an intensive serie of courses and meetings course, organised each year in one of the EU network universities to give students from the partner universities a basic understanding of the different aspects of Euro-Asia-relations focused cross-cultural awareness strategic decision making, operational data gathering cum analysis, as well as crisis remediation and humanitarian aid.

  • Based on the Mixed Mode Pedagogy,  students are taught by local and foreign teachers as well as by field experts. They refined their personal project under a suitable expertise e-Coach at this stage. 
    This is followed with Mixed Mode e-learning shared elements, which  review core issues of cross-cultural awareness immersion and related humanitarian aid. Continuous e-coaching and interdisciplinary seminars will cover the practical ways into these different branches.

  • Part Two is the participant chosen specialization in one of the three main subject areas mentioned hereunder and includes a personalized project preparation for internship or field-research in Asia

  • Part Three is the traineeship, internship or field-research («stage»), undertaken in Asian strategic sites with international NGO coaching. 


This programme is accordingly structured in three (3) main components which are integrated and continuously updated (Case Study  Nepal) :

- (i) under Applied Psychology : all issues linked to Applied Psychology, Rehabilitation Counselling, Crisis Prevention, Education and Vocational Counselling, HRD Capacity Building training and behavioral change within Health/Social and Professional Development promotion, 

- (ii) under Development Studies : all issues related to Nepal priorities (see country reports) in good governance, social/health policy strengthening, crisis remediation and Humanitarian Assistance NGOs capacity building, 

- (iii) under Prospective Health Anthropology: all issues related to Dbase in Himalayan Traditional Healing training management, including traditional healing forms of Energotherapy and Psychotherapy 

e-Media: Mixed Mode Cultural Immersion & Dbase e-learning management.







EU-Asia  Joint-curriculum





Cross- Cultural Psychology

Development Studies   &

Prospective Anthropology


Cross-Cultural Awareness





Cross-Cultural Awareness *1

Country Strategic Report *8

Prospective Anthropology *16

Traditional Healing KABPs *2

Development Studies *9

Clinical Anthropology PSP*21

Himalayan Region KABPs

International Management

Ethnomedicine *18

Traditional Philosophy *3

Inter Communication *10

Tibetan Medicine Syst **

Applied Psycho Counselling

Crisis Resolution *11

Tibetan Medicine Tantras

Applied Psycho to HRD  *4

Humanitarian Intervention §

Chinese Medicine System

Organization Management

Post Development Aid

Ayurvedic & Yogas System

Rehab & Psychotherapy *5

Revised Donor Policy NP *13

Traditional Med Psychology **

Prospective Psychotech *6

Nepal LDC Priorities *12

Energo-therapy Healing ***

Coaching *7

EC- Policy Himalaya *14 

Himalayan Region History

China - Tibet - Nepal KABPs

Investigation & Analysis

Adult Continuous Education

Needs Diagnosis & Remedial

Hermeneutic - Symbolism

Focused Group Sessions


e-Learning Dbase System*15






Humanitarian Assistance



NOHA  (§)



Anthropology-Psychology §



Humanitarian Law §



Epidemiology §



Geopolitics §



Management §





Case Study

Case Study Practicum

Case Study only: ** *** *


ECDL ICT-/VLE Syst Training

Multimedia Dbase R&D

Internship R&D

Internship R&D




NOHA (is it still a reference? quote)

In brief:

  • The Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action is a inter-university, multidisciplinary postgraduate programme that provides high quality academic education and professional competencies for personnel working or intending to work in the area of humanitarian action.

  • This European Master’s Degree was created in 1993 as a result of concerted efforts on the part of the Network On Humanitarian Action (NOHA) Universities, working in close collaboration with the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and Directorate-General for Education and Culture. This initiative was a response to a growing need from the humanitarian assistance community for higher educational qualifications specifically suited to addressing complex humanitarian emergencies.

  • In addition to collaboration and support from the European Union, the programme has the backing of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), inter-governmental organisations (IGOs), and other actors of the humanitarian relief community with whom the Network has strong collaborative links.

  • Ten years of experience have proved the Network’s capacity to educate and train highly committed, interdisciplinary persons who can act at all levels of humanitarian relief operations and who can function in a variety of ways to enhance the delivery of humanitarian assistance and sustainable actions.

Over 1000 NOHA graduated professionals work in the field of humanitarian relief and international co-operation as managers, administrators, researchers, evaluators, monitors, consultants, and representatives of international organisations and institutions. They hold positions of responsibility in all kinds of national and international inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations both in the field and at headquarters all around the world



Masters 180 ECTS/ECDL Credits Layout (draft-only) :


1) Intensive Introduction Programme Component (05 ECTS/ECDL credits), 

2) Core Course (25 ECTS credits) in the university where graduates registered, 

3) Online Courses & Database Tutoring, Analysis and Reporting (25)

4) Prior-formulation of students personalized Action Research Project (05),


5) Orientation Period (25 ECTS credits) in another EU university of the Network, or already in Asia, depending on Applicant's personal project status. 

6) Preparation to Nepal Cultural Immersion Field-study (05 credits), and preparation of final Essay under Supervision or Tutoring Online (30) 


7) Asian Cultural Immersion Research and Internship Component (25 ECTS credits) in Asian/Nepal Network university and/or HEI/NGOs international organizations, focused groups sessions (05) and final Essay (30) delivery. 

Quoted reference from Humanitarian Assistance NOHA Components 

The NOHA programme is structured around four main sub-components:

  • Core Course  (25 ECTS credits) in the home NOHA Network university 



Such a Pilot- programme could bring together selected staff of academic units and NGOs, as well as some (120 to 150) students (an average of 10 per university or HEI) with both academic and/or professional background for a duration of three years case-studies programme (Y2005-2008). Each modules could value a one year 60 ECTS credits certification, which will combine the theoretical knowledge gained either on the EU Campus(es) site or online, with the practical skills acquired and tested through Cairn Cultural Immersion Research and Internship in Nepal. The concerned EU academic units should now undertake a detailed analysis of the ECTS credits to be provided by each EU Unit, based on their core discipline inputs, as well as the professional profiles and related cross-cultural competences they seek from the joint-certification for their home graduates. 


Mixed-Mode Stepwise Culturally Appropriate Approach

The Mixed-Mode approach is the integration within a single platform of three main inputs, namely : e-learning multimedia database tutoring & coaching (1), cultural immersion & field-studies (2), open learning flexible menu personalized research projects (3: adult continuous ECTS/ECDL). 

The Stepwise Culturally Appropriate Approach is an early 1990's WHO Health Education / Prevention methodological concept, which has been used successfully to address local target-groups HRB (High Risk Behaviour) in the interlinked Qualitative / Quantitative Drug-(Ab)use & HIV/AIDS Prevention, and its Treatment Case Reporting System R&D.  It simply emphasizes the methodology for cross-culturally relevant intervention. 

In the same way, as far as Nepal pressing priorities are concerned, there are some avenues which are "open" to a European/Western constructive academic collaboration, and some who are obviously "not that open" to having students or scholars exchanges, in situ, and without high risks. Accordingly, and bluntly stated from local testimony, a Crisis Resolution Investigation of the Maoist Insurgency may not be one that is an healthy option... 

There are others, though, more conducive to Erasmus Mundus answering a consensual documented needs diagnosis, in a mutually beneficial way. 

Back to a Cross-Cultural Awareness Pilot Project First

The importance of Cross-cultural Awareness (ethnic) target-sites/groups expertise for EU relevant Humanitarian assistance Intervention and Policy Decision Making is seemingly something rather obvious. More even in Nepal...

A Pilot-project joint-curriculum (with Open Menu of ECTS/ECDL credits) using background core disciplines in : Development Studies, Prospective Anthropology, Ethno-medicine and Applied Psychology to answer some of the current priorities in Himalayan Traditional Health R&D, may be one Option to be here chosen, as much for its long-term market sustainability, than for the richness of its various outcomes. 

Himalayan / Tibetan Traditional Medicine Materia Medica, Philosophy and Psychotherapy Training Seminars are HEIs/NGOs self-sustainable niches. They could give valuable SYNERGY inputs in the local community itself, with a reasonable forecast of positive outcomes and impact in terms of Herbal Medicine production, CHOW TOT Training, Health Awareness, Research on the potentiality of main Tibetan Medicine concepts and remedials to needs such as: HIV/AIDS or Drug- (Ab)use.

This is confirmed by WHO reports on the related ethnic-groups HRB and HIV/AIDS epidemiology in Nepal and in the Himalayan Region (TAR China), including the recent and increasing migration of refugees and labourers diaspora. It also makes sense on the purpose of Synergy in promoting Alternative Healing in the West... 

Cairn Network of Excellence and Working Groups 

Cairn Network of Excellence aims at bringing together a critical mass of academic and NGOs research groups to co-ordinate their research or other activities in order to advance towards common strategic goals. Networks of excellence can provide opportunities for training, technology transfer, dissemination of information and access to expertise and resources. Working groups based in home EU academic Units may aim at improving the systematic exchange of information and the forging of links between teams which share a common theme in R&D or take-up activities.

It is a pre-requisite for going further that local coordinator in each EU Unit be actively engaged in the various administrative, conceptual, Log-frame rationale and local coordination tasks being envisioned. Failure to which, efforts will be blocked in the whole system.

Potential partnership inputs 

While the inputs provided in Asia/Nepal, per se, would be those specific to the Cultural Immersion Research & Internship Resources of the Cairn/SXC NEIs/NGOs local network in KTM/Nepal, the EU part of the programme will be jointly offered by the Cairn Consortium Network and affiliated Academic Units existing core expertise and options, such as hereunder, ie: 

- UCL/NOHA Humanitarian Net?


- Swansea e-learning Pedagogy and Development Studies Mixed Mode,

- Nice (Applied Psychology, Psychotherapy, Health/Social Anthropology)

- Genoa U (Hermeneutic, Ethno-medicine Virtual Dbase)

- more units ...

With the existing EU Units assets, the draft could cover areas of relevant disciplines and topics to be linked with Nepal pressing needs, such as: Crisis Prevention, Good Governance, Development Policy Theory and Practices, Prospective Anthropology, Humanitarian Intervention, Conflict Resolution, Crisis Prevention & Counselling, Education & Vocational Counselling, Social/Health Anthropology, Peace and Conflict Research, Euro-Asia Geopolitic Hermeneutics, Peace-building and Development, Relief Aid Management, International Institutions & Organisational Management, Sustainability of Education Online Systems in LDCs, Country Strategy Reports Data Gathering & Analysis, Security, Comparative Ethno-medicine and Epidemiology, Interlinked Qualitative/Quantitative Case-study Method, Case Reporting Systems, Investigation Methodology, Strategic Analysis of Operational Environment and Psychology (KABPs), Applied Psychology to Cross-Cultural Awareness, Psychotherapy, Himalayan Region Contextual Values and Philosophy, Traditional Medicine R&D, Methodological Study of Cross-cultural Teaching Styles and Learning Styles, and the ICT-VLE e-learning tutoring system methodology applying thereupon...

Therefore the issue of studying the design and implementation of an Integrated Cultural Immersion Research & Internship platform in Asia, linked with relevant/sustainable e-learning systems and courses to be managed in the EU, can be seen as a challenging venture which may benefit from the envisioned draft-proposal for HRD or Curriculum Development Options in Learning and/or Teaching Styles R&D (GrazU).

Tibetan Medicine Three Sub-Options (Open Menu)

* : Courses here listed contain sub-options, as open menu in home unit.

** : Cultural Immersion / Courses in KTM/Nepal or India > pls click here:



Modus Operandi 

After successfully completing all programme components, students will be awarded the degree of the university where they registered as well as a the Joint-Master Degree in Cross Cultural Awareness delivered by SXC in KTM/Nepal. The study periods will provide students with the possibility of using at least two EU and one Asian Languages. To ensure quality, enrolment could be limited to about 20 students per university. A minimum of ... places are to be reserved for third-country students. 

Admission criteria: a) Participants must have completed a good level first cycle degree in a discipline of relevance to crisis prevention, counselling, development studies or humanitarian action, b) Candidates are required to have a recognized level of proficiency in the EU language(s) of instruction, c) Motivation and research/work experience proven on Biodata file. 


Enhancing ICT-/VLE Dbase  for Traditional Healthcare Professionals

The added value hypothesis to provide Nepal local PHCs and Traditional Healthcare Professionals with Online Dbase systems for Ethnomedicine Materia Medica, Psychotherapy and PHC/THC Training, as well as with services to access online core information for clients on available best medical practices, can bear with the identification of two subsequent resultances which will apply directly to documenting the insights and experiential data relevant in a Cross-cultural Awareness Certification. These are accordindly two thematic sub-cluster options, which can be considered attached to the draft itself:


I) Online Dbase System for Traditional Health Clinical Anthropology, Ethno-medicine, Professionals Training and Treatment access may focus upon:

a) harmonizing database, references, procedures and legal guidelines for achieving relevant training curricula and certified marketable options,

b) developing and validating local traditional health clinical procedures,

c) providing visibility and networking to the core concerned HEIs & NGOs.

II) KABPs listed within the Traditional Health Care praxis may focus on:

a) defining and documenting KABPs found in target-population in situ,

b) discussing most appropriate approach to thematic needs, remedials and organization support for future grassroot intervention and data exchange,

c) promoting Applied Psychology Counselling applications at users end.


(more under discussion...)
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INTERNATIONAL  | Nepal | India | China | Bruxelles Belgium | Nice | Genoa |Paris |  Canada | USA  | London |Wales |


|   CAIRN  Campus Online  Consortium   |   Postgraduate  Programme   |   Counselling   Training   |  Nepal Cultural Immersion  &  Field-studies   |   France  Powerplaces   |



Copyright©  and  Footnote

This webpage is part of the CAIRN Campus Online  Counselling Training (Tsa-rLung) being designed for the academic year 2004-05. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration.

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpage, or if you  have any problems loading Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage with your browser,
kindly contact us by email at our address : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> , or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Organization (EU-NGO) / High Education (HEI) and Training Provider, affiliated with
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM / Nepal,  the UWS/CDS (Swansea University Wales / Center for Development Studies),
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN),
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs,
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001-04!

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -