Updates: 25.11.04

















  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005





































Cairn Campus Online



Cairn Consortium



Cairn  Erasmus
EU-NGO Partners



Cairn  Counselling



Healing & Rejuvenation


Cain e- Marketing


Tibetan " Tsa-rLung "


General Programme


Cairn Campus
Professional Doctorate
Field-research & Thesis


Cairn Campus
Boddhanath Stupa
Tibetan Medicine &
Psychotherapy (R&D)

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Cairn Campus


Cairn Campus
Audio-visual  Anthropology
(Digital Archives Project)



Cultural Immersion Field-studies Nepal/India


Tibetan Medicine,
Tsa-rLung Healing
and  Rejuvenation Seminars
(January-February 2005)


Research Publication
















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Tibetan  Medicine

Nepal  Field-studies 


 Application Form






Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.

Cairn Academic Coaching  is a personalized program and is offered one-on-one by appointment.

Together, you and your personal academic coach will assess your vision of things you want to achieve during your Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies, the expectations of your academic supervisors and professors, the demands in courses material, the risks the contextual research involves, your learning strengths, the logistics required, the areas which you will need to investigate, and the best strategies to use in each of your assignements. Your academic coach can help you improve your data gathering and analysis, Asian target-groups cultural immersion,  taking, writing and reporting structure, public speaking, self-management, time management, dbase online reading, field- preparation, and strategic sites strategies.

In addition to personal help with learning strategies for development being relevant in an Asian context, Cairn coaching team will assist research students in translating, accessing and applying methodology abiding to the EU scholarships, such as the Erasmus Mundus Asia, etc...



Online Counselling

Cairn  Online  Counselling offers a new way to reach a personalized indepth cultural immersion project coach or to be linked with genuine traditional healers training in Asia. From this portal, we offer consultations via e-mail, e-chat or webcam. You can contact us from anywhere, anytime, and usually get a response within 24 hours. 

What is Online Coaching for?  Many Westerners are attracted more and more by the Himalayan region and its heritage. Some want precise information on the available local resources, logistics or topics for field-research in the region. If you want to verify issues linked to Healing, Yoga, Dharma, or more simply if feel depressed, stuck in a routine, or unhappy with your current level of energy in life; and above all, if you want precise information in the realm of Tibetan Traditional Medicine Healing, Tantras, Yogas and/or Rejuvenation resources - please, e-mail us. We have more than a 30 years experience with a wide variety of resources linked to Tibetan practices, as well as to the its related wide psychological range of situations. We also help people with health problems, from mild to severe, to contact Tibetan Medicine Centers. We know that not everything is suitable for e-mail - but for seeking remedials in Tibetan Traditional Health, email most certainly is OK!...

Looking for a rejuvenation yoga coach? Want to find if Tibetan Tsa-rLung Healing technics can really help you?  Please look our pages. We can e-mail each other, as often as you'd like...

CAIRN can feature many traditional healing resources to augment your inner energy, balance and  benefit your lifestyle in a way always consistent with our philosophy...






Cross-cultural  Awareness  Volunteer  Programme

The Cairn Euro-Asian Cross-cultural  Awareness  Volunteer  Programme  has a genuine cross-cultural  immersion learning and research experience as its main goalAs an innovative initiative in Euro-Asia university and High Education Institutions (HEIs)  linkages, this platform  is widely regarded as timely and appropriate, provided that key element of its strategy be refocused as much on the future of sustainable and relevant high education exchange niches, than addressing Asian LDCs pressing priorities and bringing more awareness on Nepal dramatic current issues. This innovative programme is accordingly the only one of its kind, which links  European researchers with strategic sites selected in the Himalayan region and places them accordingly at grassroots in a most favourable position to assess the prospectives of Asia. While on the one hand, it addresses the future relations of Europe with Asia LDCs emerging economies and the result of imported development policies, Cairn also seeks for innovative, beneficial and ethical personal development avenues within the rich traditional, philosophical and cultural heritage of the Himalayas, which as tools in terms of attitude, knowledge and decision-making process may lead to better understanding, mutual respect and collaboration.

With activities being organized under the legal umbrella of registered local HEIs and non-profit  organizations (NGOs), such as the St-Xavier Campus(SXC), St-Xavier's Social Services Center

(SXSSC), Nepal Institute for Health Science (NIHS), RECID (TU/IOM), KUNPHEN Tibetan Medical Center, KAILASH Tibetan Medical Center (Amchi Jampa), and/or other selected  intervenors and community support groups, Cairn offers a unique choice of true experiential and professional opportunities for thesis researchers, postgraduate students, professionals and/or international volunteers, including the possibility to enjoy the amazing beauty of the Himalayan region nature, rich culture and real involvement with people in daily life.

Given that this programme is fundamentally about creating and expanding new and sustainable structural opportunities for students, researchers and trainees to share and upgraded their knowledge, attitude and awarenness, it will remain flexible and based upon students projects,  within a Menu of Open Learning ECTS/ECDL Options. While the present set of priorities range from ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD), ‘e-Marketing Online Curriculum Development’ and other technical market-driven categorisations,  emphasis is being brought to cover areas being: Social/Health Anthropology, Clinical Anthropology, Psychotherapy, Ethnomedicine, Drug Abuse Counselling Training, Tsa-rLung Tibetan Medicine Energotherapy, Tantras, Philosophy, Languages, Arts & Humanities, Investigation Journalism and other more precise topics which may be developed without limitations by students or trainees in order to address their objectives.

Responding to the needs of future relations between Europe and Asia, Cairn Erasmus will seek,  encourage and support Projects that reflect the urgent need for more awareness on LDCs priorities. For doing so, it has taken steps since several years to gather a core of respected/experienced EU and Asian scholars and interveners, who all are involved on a daily basis in universities and NGOs services in/with least developed Asian countries (LDC) and who bring the much needed constructive but critical appraisal tools and resources for an effective cooperation. While focusing on the evaluation of the past for fostering the future, Cairn original approach is in the two-fold nature of its Curriculum Options studying as much the European and Asian spiritual heritage values, than personality or modern e-technology. 

Following  the recent European Commission  decisions, the new Erasmus Mundus programme
partnerships will be developed to strengthen European/Asian co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality  European/Asian   Joint-curriculum Masters Courses, enabling students and visiting scholars to engage in postgraduate study 
at European universities, as well as by encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third Asian countries.

The CAIRN new scheme will proceed using both Cultural Immersion (Tour&Study) in selected strategic sites in Asia, as well as the usual combination of online courses, lectures, seminars, group work and practical fieldwork, including a dissertation. Students will be continuously assessed by tutors online on the basis of their essays, report writing and presentation of portfolios. There are no examinations for this programme, as the final aim is based on personalized experiential and tailored project which fulfilment will require genuine and continuous efforts on the ground...


Strategic  Asian Target-site(s)  Location

Situated in the strategic site of Boddhnath Stupa ( KTM Valley Nepal), itself a crossroad and 
a renown pilgrimage powerplace, Cairn Consortium is at the core of the Himalayan region outstanding beauty, as well as immerged into local religious, cultural, commercial and (post-) development issues. As a Regional HEIs/NGOs Network, Cairn also has other selected partners located in North India (Sarnath, Varanasi, Delhi and Tsopema HP), Tibet - TAR (Nyalam, Lhasa, Kham) and China (Shanghai), Thailand, Burma (Myanmar) and Bali...

From their learning, seeing, talking, listening, practicing, experiencing, travelling and discussing – Cairn programme participants will emerge from their stay with a different view of Asia, of their home country and also perhaps of themselves.  For some, this will have been their first encounter with Nepalese, Tibetans or Chinese, and they will return home with much to ponder. Perhaps for some others the greatest reward will have been the friendships established with other participants, and with the local people and youth they got to know.  Regardless of the respective backgrounds, Cairn will have been a meeting place for some of the brightest and most interesting students and will be remembered and valued for the rest of their lives.


CAIRN  Innovative  Pedagogy

(Tentative Itinerary & Process)

During 28 days minimum and to upto 4-5 months maximum, motivated high school students or researchers being gathered from various parts of Canada, UK, the United States and Europe, will come to Bodhanath Stupa - KTM to live, study, practices and travel together in the whole of the Himalayan range, exploring a very different culture and lifestyle, and a very different perceptions of people and themselves.  They will experience both the traditions and changes that make the Stupa of Bodhanath so distinctive and so important for being able to grasp and understand insights of the present things, and things to come, in a variety of ways enabling them to understand what they see. 

Participants will choose from a wide variety of online courses, or bring a personal research theme, allowing them to gain an understanding of some of the key concepts, background and methodology of some of the controversial topics that are at the forefront of the changes sweeping through Nepal, Tibet, China and India. From the meeting of these prerequisite with their experiential, they will be in position to appreciate the deep traditions and history that underlie everything that happens in the Himalayan region and around. 

Students and researchers will work with qualified NGOs experts, academic tutors of repute and the young local generation to undertake different field studies and investigate for themselves the key issues of their projects. Coaching, supervision and daily briefings, sometimes discussed in classes is an important aspect of the quality of experiential. Through extensive opportunities they will meet and talk with a wide range of people, from lamas, artists, businessmen, NGOs or HEIs officials, to ordinary shopkeepers, youth and workers, by visiting villages, urban homes, SMEs small enterprise workplaces, local NGOs, monasteries, temples, schools, they will compare what they learn in class with what they experience themselves. This combination of high-level academic instruction with project-based investigative learning, discussions and debates, and online broadband interaction with database online is what will make Cairn programme a unique opportunity, in a unique place.

Face to face language tutorials in Nepalese, Indi, Tibetan and/or Chinese are made available as options for those who seek the abilities which will allow them to share, understand, develop, or hone their skills in close contact with local people.

Demolition of the old and construction of the new are everywhere, including the effects of the ongoing Maoists insurgency. This is the time to register what Nepalese, Tibetan and Chinese people are feeling, living through and hoping for now.  Students will forever be referring to this experience by saying, "When I studied there, this is what Nepal was like…."



Cairn  International  Studies

Cairn  International  Studies will improve European students' ability to work in an increasingly globalized environment in Nepal and surrounding Asia. The goal is to prepare European students and trainees for focused international tasks, promote interactive and communicative skills and encourage an open and receptive attitude towards the Himalayan region ethnic cultures. Cairn Euro-Asian Network will further increase opportunities for internships, field-research and online studies within an international dimension and with selected international experts cooperation. 

Cairn Cross-Cultural Awareness program stresses that for an Euro-Asian cross-cultural training to be effective as an enhancement for an international development organization, it must deal with several complexities in the learning process, including that of providing flexible options for genuine Projects-based Cultural Immersion. Just providing information, or some online courses, is not an effective approach for the future Euro-Asian relations, beyond that of a basic introductory level. 

Cairn believes that such training should be an interactive intercultural process, through the use of flexible training modules being a menu of Cultural Immersion Options organized in strategic target-sites, where the behavioral situation, case studies, scenarios, critical incidents, catharsis and crisis resolution, will bring to participants and beneficiaries focused and longterm results. 


Cairn is also launching a stepwise development of a Mixed Mode Postgraduates and Masters ECDL/ECTS Certification centered around disciplines initiated from the EU partners units and linked with the pressing issues of Nepal/Asian LDCs Development Management. This unique mode of study allows students the flexibility to study through a combination of residential home courses in the EU, field-study in Asia, group sessions and flexible distance learning.  The recommended pattern of study starting in 2004/2005 is currently under-design, for the following options.



Euro-Asia Transcultural   Cultural Immersion  Volunteer  Options

_________________   Innovative programme    ________________

Coaching , Experiential Seminars and Training Online Consultancy for helping academic exchange and new graduates, postgraduates or experienced professionals to get training and find jobs 


Leading by example


The Cairn Euro-Asian Cross-cultural  Awareness  Volunteer  Programme  has a genuine cross-cultural  immersion learning and research experience as its main goalAs an innovative initiative in Euro-Asia university and High Education Institutions (HEIs)  linkages, this platform  is widely regarded as timely and appropriate, provided that key element of its strategy be refocused as much on the future of sustainable and relevant high education exchange niches, than addressing Asian LDCs pressing priorities and bringing more awareness on Nepal dramatic current issues. This innovative programme is accordingly the only one of its kind, which links  European researchers with strategic sites selected in the Himalayan region and places them accordingly at grassroots in a most favourable position to assess the prospectives of Asia. While on the one hand, it addresses the future relations of Europe with Asia LDCs emerging economies and the result of imported development policies, Cairn also seeks for innovative, beneficial and ethical personal development avenues within the rich traditional, philosophical and cultural heritage of the Himalayas, which as tools in terms of attitude, knowledge and decision-making process may lead to better understanding, mutual respect and collaboration.

With activities being organized under the legal umbrella of registered local HEIs and non-profit 

organizations (NGOs), such as St-Xavier Campus (SXC), St-Xavier's Social Services Center
(SXSSC), Nepal Institute for Health Science (NIHS), RECID (TU/IOM), KUNPHEN Tibetan Medical Center, KAILASH Tibetan Medical Center (Amchi Jampa), and/or other selected 
intervenors and community support groups, Cairn offers a unique choice of true experiential
and professional opportunities for thesis researchers, postgraduate students, professionals 
and/or international volunteers, including the possibility to enjoy the amazing beauty of the
Himalayan region nature, rich culture and real involvement with people in daily life.

Given that this programme is fundamentally about creating and expanding new and sustainable structural opportunities for students, researchers and trainees to share and upgraded their knowledge, attitude and awarenness, it will remain flexible and based upon students projects, 
within a Menu of Open Learning ECTS/ECDL Options. While the present set of priorities range from ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD), ‘e-Marketing Online Curriculum Development’ and other technical market-driven categorisations,  emphasis is being brought to cover areas being: Social/Health Anthropology, Clinical Anthropology, Psychotherapy, Ethnomedicine, Drug Abuse Counselling Training, Tsa-rLung Tibetan Medicine Energotherapy, Tantras, Philosophy,
Languages, Arts & Humanities, Investigation Journalism and other more precise topics which may be developed without limitations by students or trainees in order to address their objectives.

Responding to the needs of future relations between Europe and Asia, Cairn Erasmus will seek,  encourage and support Projects that reflect the urgent need for more awareness on LDCs priorities. For doing so, it has taken steps since several years to gather a core of respected/experienced EU and Asian scholars and interveners, who all are involved on a daily basis in universities and NGOs services in/with least developed Asian countries (LDC) and who bring the much needed constructive but critical appraisal tools and resources for an effective cooperation. While focusing on the evaluation of the past for fostering the future, Cairn original approach is in the two-fold nature of its Curriculum Options studying as much the European and Asian spiritual heritage values, than personality or modern e-technology. 

Following  the recent European Commission  decisions, the new Erasmus Mundus programme
partnerships will be developed to strengthen European/Asian co-operation and international links in higher education by supporting high-quality  European/Asian   Joint-curriculum Masters Courses, enabling students and visiting scholars to engage in postgraduate study 
at European universities, as well as by encouraging the outgoing mobility of European students and scholars towards third Asian countries.

The CAIRN new scheme will proceed using both Cultural Immersion (Tour&Study) in selected strategic sites in Asia, as well as the usual combination of online courses, lectures, seminars, group work and practical fieldwork, including a dissertation. Students will be continuously assessed by tutors online on the basis of their essays, report writing and presentation of portfolios. There are no examinations for this programme, as the final aim is based on personalized experiential and tailored project which fulfilment will require genuine and continuous efforts on the ground...

Strategic  Asian Target-site(s)  Location

Situated in the strategic site of Boddhnath Stupa ( KTM Valley Nepal), itself a crossroad and 
a renown pilgrimage powerplace, Cairn Consortium is at the core of the Himalayan region outstanding beauty, as well as immerged into local religious, cultural, commercial and (post-) development issues. As a Regional HEIs/NGOs Network, Cairn also has other selected partners located in North India (Sarnath, Varanasi, Delhi and Tsopema HP), Tibet - TAR (Nyalam, Lhasa, Kham) and China (Shanghai), Thailand, Burma (Myanmar) and Bali...

From their learning, seeing, talking, listening, practicing, experiencing, travelling and discussing – Cairn programme participants will emerge from their stay with a different view of Asia, of their home country and also perhaps of themselves.  For some, this will have been their first encounter with Nepalese, Tibetans or Chinese, and they will return home with much to ponder. Perhaps for some others the greatest reward will have been the friendships established with other participants, and with the local people and youth they got to know.  Regardless of the respective backgrounds, Cairn will have been a meeting place for some of the brightest and most interesting students and will be remembered and valued for the rest of their lives.

Personalized project's tutoring/coaching will enhance participant’s ability to understand 

their experiential, as being Gestalts immersed in a broad geopolitical eco-social structure, 
its symbolic efficacy and ongoing cultural changes, for which appraisal most Europeans 
and Asians similarly are often ill-prepared. 


CAIRN  Innovative  Pedagogy
(Tentative Itinerary & Process)

During 28 days minimum and to upto 4-5 months maximum, motivated high school students or researchers being gathered from various parts of Canada, UK, the United States and Europe, will come to Bodhanath Stupa - KTM to live, study, practices and travel together in the whole of the Himalayan range, exploring a very different culture and lifestyle, and a very different perceptions of people and themselves.  They will experience both the traditions and changes that make the Stupa of Bodhanath so distinctive and so important for being able to grasp and understand insights of the present things, and things to come, in a variety of ways enabling them to understand what they see. 

Participants will choose from a wide variety of online courses, or bring a personal research theme, allowing them to gain an understanding of some of the key concepts, background and methodology of some of the controversial topics that are at the forefront of the changes sweeping through Nepal, Tibet, China and India. From the meeting of these prerequisite with their experiential, they will be in position to appreciate the deep traditions and history that underlie everything that happens in the Himalayan region and around. 

Students and researchers will work with qualified NGOs experts, academic tutors of repute and the young local generation to undertake different field studies and investigate for themselves the key issues of their projects. Coaching, supervision and daily briefings, sometimes discussed in classes is an important aspect of the quality of experiential. Through extensive opportunities they will meet and talk with a wide range of people, from lamas, artists, businessmen, NGOs or HEIs officials, to ordinary shopkeepers, youth and workers, by visiting villages, urban homes, SMEs small enterprise workplaces, local NGOs, monasteries, temples, schools, they will compare what they learn in class with what they experience themselves. This combination of high-level academic instruction with project-based investigative learning, discussions and debates, and online broadband interaction with database online is what will make Cairn programme a unique opportunity, in a unique place.

Face to face language tutorials in Nepalese, Indi, Tibetan and/or Chinese are made available as options for those who seek the abilities which will allow them to share, understand, develop, or hone their skills in close contact with local people.

Demolition of the old and construction of the new are everywhere, including the effects of the ongoing Maoists insurgency. This is the time to register what Nepalese, Tibetan and Chinese people are feeling, living through and hoping for now.  Students will forever be referring to this experience by saying, "When I studied there, this is what Nepal was like…."

Joint- Postgraduate,  Masters  &  Doctorate  Studies

Cairn offers a variety of customizable training programs and workshops at the Postgraduate, Masters and Doctorate Studies levels. Customized Cultural Immersion field-research and/or training programs blend training modules with specific personal project objectives. This allows greater flexibility in tailoring content, defining the research methodology, supervision, delivery format, selecting experts, trainers and consultants, provide group-focused feedback, and proceed within a consensual evaluation and participative monitoring format. 

SXC/CAIRN (Nepal) wants to play an active and constructive role in the stepwise development of the Erasmus Mundus envisioned international learning environment of joint- degrees, so as to bring benefits to local students and scholars for accessing EU curriculum options, as much as for European students or researchers to easily access core Asian strategic issues. As a joint-study programme, it will require students to study in different countries and universities with professors and peers from widely varying sites, academic and cultural traditions. Joint programmes will place students in situations which require flexibility, openness to diversity, and creative approaches to both learning and personal relationship. Additionally, it will provide students with the opportunity to improve their language skills and their understanding of an entirely different cultural environment. Generally, postgraduates have found that employers are favourable to the international experience offered by joint degrees and recommend the experience to students interested in such challenging and creative degrees.

Entry  Requirements

Organized as an initiative for promoting core Open-Learning / Adult Continuous Education European based joint-Certification (ECTS/ECDL) for postgraduate level students, researchers or trainees, participants will have a degree in a related subject and/or relevant professional qualifications and experience. Applicants will usually be interviewed.

Informal enquiries about admissions may be made to William R LEON at: leon@sped.ucl.ac.be

Application forms can be obtained from Cairn Consortium on request, as cited above,
please, click- here!
Cairn  Mission  Statement

The Mission of Cairn Consortium  is to: 

  1. offer high- education curriculum and field-research options, in tailored joint- programs that promote and cultivate Euro-Asia cross-cultural awareness of the present moment through the intellectual study of the heritage, the know-how of technical skills, the embodiment through artistic and meditative disciplines, and pursuance in a recognized European ECTS/ECDL certification partnership; 
  2. foster an Asian/Himalayan focused experiential learning community (composed of EU students, faculty, staff, trustees, and alumni) that uncovers wisdom and heart; 
  3. cultivate openness and communication, sharpen critical intellect, enhance resourcefulness, and develop effective action in all related disciplines; 
  4. exemplify the principles grounded in the Humanities of both educational heritages
  5. encourage the integration of traditional healing root- traditions in the modern world.


Culture  Change  Options

Euro/Asian    Joint-Masters Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies  Certification

Based upon the Erasmus Mundus Guidelines for  Joint-Masters  Courses  Certification
including Open Learning / Adult Continuous Education ECTS/CDL Postgraduate credits, 
CAIRN Consortium is a strategically located Centre of Excellence (EU-NGO) Network
constituted of selected recognized/etablished Academic Units, HEIs and NGOs, initiating, 
promoting and organizing high-quality integrated courses at the postgraduate Masters 
and Doctorate level, within a Menu of Open Learning / Cultural Immersion / Field-study 
Options being used as inputs for each student/researcher personalized projects.

Each Joint-Masters Certification is linked to a credits itimization of at least three EU
universities and one Asian HEI inputs, from at least three different European countries
and one Asian regional HEIs/NGOs Network and/or the SXC Campus in KTM, Nepal, itself. 

CAIRN  General Program  provides opportunities to study in the following disciplines: 

  • UCL/ANSO/LAAP: Prospective Anthropology, Health Anthropology and Development,  
  • UCL/PSP/ARAC: Clinical Anthropology, Ethnomedicine, Hermeneutics, Psychotherapy, 
  • UCL/FOPES: FOPES Adult Continuous Education Pedagogy, ECTS/ECDL Evaluation, 
  • Swansea Wales: Development Studies Theory & Practices, Development Management, Doctorate Studies Supervision, Tutoring & Coaching Management System Pedagogy in ICT-/VLE and Multimedia Online Learning, ECDL Open Learning Menu, Good Governance, Post-Development, INGOs Organization Management & Policy, History, Philosophy,  
  • Genoa U: Ethnomedicine, Virtual Ethnographic Museum, Multimedia Database,  
  • KHM (Mechelen Be): Focuses on specific areas within the strategic fields of ICT- Information Management Support, International Research Journalism and Investigation Journalism, Network International Management, Communication and other areas of  Human resource management (HRM) and Capacity Building, based on students own choice of cultural immersion project and elective courses.  
  • FH Joanneum (Austria): Cross-cultural Pedagogy for inquiry into differences in teaching and learning, International HEIs Network, International Management, Ethnomedicine,  
  • Nice U (Faculté des lettres, arts et sciences humaines, LAMIC): Health & Healing in Chinese Traditional Medicine (DU: M. Claude De Vos, Mme Nancy Midol, M. Wei-guo Hu), Health Anthropology, Acupuncture ( EM), History and Philosophy,  
  • ISI/CNV (Nice): Become aware of the latest trends and techniques in e-business, e-marketing, NLPIII, Coaching, Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, 
  • H M-J (Wales): ICT-/VLE & HRD/ECDL through professional development seminars.  
  • CAIRN/Alliance (HRD & HRM Consultancy EU and Canada): Applied Psychology, HRD, Psychotechnic, Education Counselling, Rehabilitation Counselling, Psychotherapy,  
  • SXC/SXSSC: Network with Nepal/S-Asia practitioners, instructors and peers.  
    All students/researchers make a field-study paper.  SXC/CAIRN provides facilitation, supervision, translation and coaching for projects assignement in Asia or the EU.
CAIRN  Postgraduate  Studies(*)

(c) RWL 2004-05 (adapted draft- only)

CAIRN  Postgraduate Studies  ECTS/ECDL credits program provides 
a unique opportunity to Nepalese, S-Asian and European students 
for a comprehensive curriculum which will complement employment 
experience in strategic fields, such as: Human Resource Development
(HRD) , Organization Management, Marketing Online, Counselling and 
Crisis Prevention, as well as upgraded Open Learning Pedagogy, being
integrated with ICT-/VLE Database Systems Management. 

Participants will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to perform 
a wide range of  INGOs and SMEs HRD & ICT- management  functions. 

CAIRN  Postgraduate Studies is a pilot- program enhancing Open Learning /
Adult Countinuous Education Options providing professional training 
certificates as EU/Nepal ECTS  & ECDL  European academic credits.

CAIRN  General Program  provides opportunities to: 

  • Learn essential concepts and skills that have an impact on human resource and information management roles.  
  • Focus on specific areas within the strategic areas of  human resource management (HRM),  based on your own choice of elective courses.  
  • Become aware of the latest trends and techniques in ICT-/HRD through professional development seminars.  
  • Network with practitioners, instructors and peers.  
  • Make a field-study paper, coaching or assignement in Asia or the EU. 

CAIRN  (Short Courses)  Certificates   have a duration of  1 year only,
during which participants may choose a 1 month Cultural Immersion scheme
for Intensive ECTS/ECDL Training organized in the EU (at UWS/CDS in Wales, 
in Nice/S-France or at the UCL/ANSO/LAAP in Belgium).

For participants interested in gaining a Postgraduate Diploma, the credits 
gathered during those Certificates may be linked to the two Potsgraduate 
Diploma / Foundation Courses found in the Options being :

- CAIRN Option 01 : ICT-/ VLE  & Human Resource Development (TOT)
- CAIRN Option 04 : Applied  Psychology  to   Human Resource Management (TOT)

which have the same core curriculum resources.

General  Programme  Options  (*)

(c) RWL 2004-05 (adapted draft- only)
Cairn  international collaboration programs with selected European and Asian High education Institution (HEI) Units join the contemplative philosophy practices of awareness with a 21st century global citizenship intervention. Cairn approaches international education from a wide perspective being useful to both students, trainees and the local target- communities - one that includes the ethics, intellect, intuitive insight, motivation, clairvoyance, and a willingness to explore with mind and heart together. Studying and living overseas fosters intercultural competence, critical thinking, and the ground for compassionate engagement with the world. 

Cairn Options offer opportunities for strategic sites exploration, indepth needs diagnosis, seeking of remedials, as well as vision and growth at the personal, community and professional level. Our programs are designed to meet a variety of interests and needs - from Introduction Certificates (ECTS/ECDL) upto Postgraduate Masters and intensive training seminars to expand your field of work and enrich your every day.  Cairn Fall 2004-05 Highlights Menu include: 


General  Programme  Options / Click on Options for more details
 Personalized Project  Certificate  and  Diploma Duration 
Cross-Cultural Awareness
Option 01: HRD & ICT-/VLE Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 02: Development Policy Certificate  and  Diploma CDS Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 03: Counselling Short Courses Certificate  Open Learning: 1 to 3 years
Option 04: Psychology HRD Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 05: Org Management Short Courses Certificate  Open Learning: 1 month EU
Option 06: Marketing Online Short Courses Certificate Open Learning: 1 month EU
Option 07: Doctorate Studies Professional Doctorate Thesis : 3 to 5 Years
Option 08: Tibetan Medicine Health Anthropology ECTS Open Learning  Credits
Option 09: Shamans Rituals Health Anthropology ECTS Open Learning  Credits (*)
Option 10: Phenomenology Phenomenology R&D Open Learning  Credits (*)
Option 11: Cultural Awareness Certificate  and  Diploma Open Learning: 1 to 3 years
Option 12: Visual Anthropology Certificate  and  Diploma Certif: 1 Year / Dipl: 3 years
Option 13: Energo- Therapy Certificate  and  Diploma For clinical practitioners only!

All Options allow Cultural Immersion or Coaching R&D in Nepal/S-Asia and/or the EU. For (*) Clinical Praxis Options, please take direct contact with RWL for your personalized project MoU!
Participatory Evaluation and
Group Facilitation Pedagogy 

NB: all Options cited hereabove may be done in a non-academic/non-credits fashion, if interested... 



CAIRN  Postgraduate  Degrees 
CAIRN  degrees are:

- Postgraduate  Diploma  (duration 3 years) : 

Compulsory Modules(*) / Postgraduate  Diploma

Participants aiming to a Postgraduate Diploma (3 to 5 years duration) must
accumulate 180 credits in six compulsory modules (20 credits each),
chosen from their project specialization. In addition to the compulsory
modules, participants are expected to complete a dissertation (60 credits)
on a relevant topic. Credits include participation to Short Courses, Online
Tutoring, Group discussion, Field-study, Investigation, NGOs Intervention, 
Essay or Multimedia (Video) documentary, and eventually  a  serie of 
Conferences and Experiential Seminars, focused upon cross-cultural schemes.

- Postgraduate  Certificate  (duration 1 year) :

Compulsory Modules(*) / Postgraduate Certificate
For a Postgraduate  Certificate (1 year)  60 credits only must be gained. 
Postgraduate Certificate applicants will select three compulsory modules 
(20 credits each), for a total of 60 credits of their choice.
In addition to the compulsory modules, participants are expected to complete 
a dissertation (60 credits) on a relevant topic. Credits include participation to 
Courses Online, Group discussion, Field-study, Investigation, NGOs Intervention, 
Essay or Multimedia (Video) documentary, and eventually  a  serie of 
Conferences and Experiential Seminars, focused upon cross-cultural schemes.

- Postgraduate  Open  Learning :

Part-time Adult Education / Undergraduate Short Study
These are Open Learning part-time Foundation Courses, either
focusing on Language, Marketing Online, HRD  and/or on 
ICT-/VLE System Management skills linked to CAIRN options.
Eligibility conditions are based on the participants academic 
background and/or professional experience (NGOs/SMEs).


- Optional  Placement  Module :

This module is accessible after completion of minimum a Certificate,
and focuses on a set of agreed tasks or an assignment for placement 
with an I/NGO, donor organization or an ICT-/HRD specialized training 
related NGO/SME in the EU. Credits may be gained this way.

 - Postgraduate   Joint-masters Degree:
see details at : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/masters.html

 - Professional  Doctorate  (Thesis) :
See details at : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/doctorate.html




Nowadays, the Cairn Consortium established network of recognized HEIs, NGOs and SMEs
has international cooperation MoU Agreements on research, exchange and teaching with:


Partners  Partner Unit Country Expertise
Executive > (*)
RWL (*) Cairn CEO International Coordinator CEO
Prof. Singleton M (*) UCL/ANSO/LAAP Belgium Anthropology Prospective 
Olbrechts P Lecturer (*) ANSO/LAAP EC- Admin Belgium Admin & Financial Managt
Prof. P-Jo Laurent (*) UCL/ANSO/LAAP Belgium Health Anthropology
Prof. Steichen R (...) UCL/PSP/ARAC Belgium Clinical Anthropo  Psycho
open... UCL/FOPES Sud Belgium Continuous Education
Swansea U Wales
Prof. Ian Clegg (*) UWS/CDS Wales U UK Development Studies
Howard M-J Lecturer (*) ICT-/VLE Wales U UK ICT-/VLE Pedagogy Online
Jenni M-J Philosophy (PhD)  UK Philosophy Postgraduate
Nigel Graddon  EU Dev Policy in Wales  UK Welsh European Parliament
Fr. Robins SJ (*) SXC/SXSSC Nepal Director INGO/HEI KTM
Rajendra Shrestha SXSSC Nepal Drug Abuse  Detox/Rehab
Fr. Augustine SJ St- Xavier's Campus SXC  Nepal SXC Director KTM
KHM (Be)
Herman Duponcheel KHM Mechelen Belgium Investigation Journalism
JCG (Austria)
Neubauer Martin  Joanneum Campus Graz  Austria Asia-Link AUNP Erasmus
Nice U (France)
Prof. Devos Cl Nice U Anthropo Unit France Anthropo / Sociology
Hu Weiguo Nice U Anthropo France Chinese Medicine
Midol Nancy Nice U Anthropo  France Health Anthropo
Marco Paret ISI-CNV Psychotherapy France & Italy NLPIII, Hypno/Psychotherapy
Genoa U (Italy)
Prof. Guerci  Genoa U Ethnomedicine Italy
CAIRN Human Resources
Claude Hallin CAIRN R&D  INGO  INGO Project Management
VDH Cathy Psychology Belgium Applied Psychology HRD
UKPS London
J. Boulter & D. Moiso Psychological High Educ London UK (Regist NGO) Psycho, Psycho-therapy, NLP
John & Julie Heart @Work  SME/INGO Canada Counselling, Therapy,
Honorary Board Members        
Mr. Michel Hallin Shanti Belgium Marketing R&D
Mrs. Joanna Greenlaw Author & Researcher  Wales UK Marketing R&D
Mrs. E Leon CAIRN NGO Support Wales UK  
Mr.  Robert Adolphy Marketing Division Belgium Marketing R&D
Mrs. M. Hallin Yoga Curric France  
Mr.  Eric Delgoffe Architecture Project Belgium Marketing R&D
Mrs. Luce Renotte Cairn NGO Support Belgium  
The following Cairn Consortium EU-NGO framework is indicative only!


Partners & Advisory Field Country Expertise inputs
Lecturers, Trainers, 
Advisory Members:
Howard M-J
All training in ICT-/VLE Wales UK Online
Paret Marco
E-Marketing - Hypnosis
NLPIII - Psychotherapy
Webmaster & trainer
Emile Massone Acupuncture Chinese Med Nice France
Houtart Fr Crisis Prevention CETRI INGO Belgium
Prof.Gartoulla NIHS KTM Nepal Ethnomedicine & Policy
Dr. Tsering PHC MBBS TB Nepal
Amchi Jampa Tibetan Med
Amchi T Wangpo Tibetan Med
Amchi T Pedon Tibetan Med

Lopon Sherab  Tsa-rLung Lama Nepal Yoga & Visualization
Jose & Mei  Nyingma Philosophy  India PhD research
Lobsang Norbu Shastri Dharma Publication Sarnath India CIHTS CHITS Tibetan Institute
Furba Lama Shamans Nepal Translator & Guide
Tibetan Scholars
Tarab Tulku Rimpoche Tarab Ladrang Inst Dk Tibetan Psychotherapy
Matthieu Ricard Shechen Gompa Nepal
Lopon Tenzin Namdak Bon-Po gompa Swayambu Nepal
Keith Dowman Boddhanath Nepal
Chris Daniels Boddhanath Nepal


Volunteer & Internship  Placement  Options

As the majority of Cairn volunteer program activities will be situated within and around Kathmandu (KTM) valley, or its immediate surrounding hill side villages, campus, NGOs or monasteries, the Cairn programme participants will be able to easily contribute towards the benefit of their host Nepalese community, bringing the core richness of exchanges and insights in educational or social/health intervention services, and enjoying for themselves the unique chances of encounters, teachings, rituals, trekking, study within their topical exploration. Cairn has been working in KTM valley since 1988, mostly with local NGOs, monasteries and international organizations (INGOS), including the SXC and SXSSC.


Cairn Options offers research, internship and volunteer placement (two weeks to five months maximum visa duration in Nepal) in the main following areas:

» Teaching of a specialized topic (ie: French, English, Math or Psychology)
» Drug Abuse Acupuncture Detoxification & Rehabilitation Center Internship
» Social/Health (PHC) Community- based Intervention  and related Sectors 
» Postgraduate Research  in   Tibetan Traditional Medicine   Materia Medica
» Experiential Research  in  Tsa-rLung Traditional Healing  & Psychotherapy
» Multimedia Online and Investigation Journalism as  Core Volunteer Project

Institutional  Requirements


Because the offered Joint- Postgraduate/Masters Courses must already in existence and must be fully operational at the time of a European university Consortium application to the Erasmus Mundus programme, Cairn Consortium already implements most of the options listed above as a self-sustainable joint-venture based on students personal Cultural Immersion project requests, thus fulfilling the necessary minimum preparatory activities.

A EC-/Erasmus Mundus Programme Joint-Masters Course must consist of an integrated study programme. All of these features must be fulfilled at the time of application and described in the application in technical detail. As regards the delivery of a double/multiple or joint degree, the Commission accepts an exception to this rule for the 2004 and 2005 selection rounds only: if a consortium cannot guarantee the awarding of a double/multiple or joint degree at the time of application, it has to add a declaration that it is able to do so at the time of selection (early September 2004 for the Call for Proposals relating to the academic year 2004/2005; January 2005 for the Call for Proposals relating to the academic year 2005/2006). This declaration will be checked against its truthfulness before taking a selection decision. In case of non-fulfilment of this criterion the application will be rejected.

Most of those institutional requirements thus reside in the ability and stamina of concerned European partners to abide in due time to the prior-conditions presented in the EC-Guidelines.

Cairn/SXC Consortium HQ in KTM/Nepal can only serve the purpose of striving to become a suitable Asian/LDC platform, as required for the Asian part from the EC- Guidelines.

The following TABLE is indicative of the potential options being already operational.

Personalized Curriculum  Project- based :

List of  Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate  Options

(Masters Diploma : upto 180 ECTS/ECDL credits in 3 to 5 years)

Units UCL/LLN Swansea Nice   Joanneum EU- Psy Genoa SXC/KTM
Projects initiated as per discipline LAAP, FOPES, ARAC Development Studies (IC) or  ICT-/VLE Health, Anthropology, Philosophy Cross-Cultural & Pedagogy NLPIII, Coaching, Therapy Ethno-medicine, Multimedia Cultural Immersion Field-studies
Project-based! Belgium UK/Wales France Austria Nice FR Italy Network
Year One > Projects are initiated at  Home- Unit in University or HEI situated in the EU (1year 3X20= 60 credits) LAAP Health Anthropology, ARAC Clinical Anthropology, FOPES Adult Education in Development Studies  Development Management, Hermeneutic, INGOs Policy & Practices, ECDL, e-Learning, Communication, Media Dbase, Anthropologie de la Santé, Principes de la Médecine Trad Chinoise, Qigong, Acupuncture, les Eléments,  Cross-cultural differences in learning styles, ..., training "International Management Consulting" HEI/NGO: Continuous  in NLPIII, Coaching, Hypno- & Psycho- therapy Ethnomedicine (e- Museum) Database, Ethnopsychiatry, Health Anthropology, Trad Health & Wellbeing,  CAIRN Network inputs in Traditional Medicine, Energo- Anthropo & Psycho
EC- Project : advised R&D Asia-Link and Erasmus Mundus  (C) ECDL certificates for ICT-/VLE Online-learning Dbase System/ Dev Philosophy  adaptation of Curriculum to e-learning & multimedia Dbase System Himalayan Traditional Health  Tele- Medicine /e- Posgraduate 3EU Units -EEB/LEB   -UKPS  & -ISI-CNV (***) (C) Local Network inputs
Year Two > ICT-/VLE ECDL credits or Development Studies ECTS (1year 3X20= 60 credits)              
CAIRN/SXC field-inputs in psychotherapy, energotherapy, ethnomedicine, heath anthropo  & prospective development studies Asia              
Year Three> Cultural Immersion Asia/Nepal Fieldresearch /Internships'  Essay, docs, multimedia docs eval               
Nepal/Asia: Options for cultural immersion can be from 1 to 4 months each year  two times, or one full year visa one time, as per project!               
OPEN IN Sept 2004 (*) (*)         (*)

 (C) : Units experts consultancies

(***) : European Psychotherapy & Applied Psychology TOT Consultance Network (3 Units): Training Units are at the  EEB/LEB - Belgium, the UKPS - London - UK  and  the ISI/CNV - Nice - S-of-France, contact RWL. 
Looking for bright students/researchers...!

Cairn  Cross-cultural Awareness  Network

Cairn seeks to gather a network of motivated, strong and informed researchers or students, who are curious about the Western world future relations with the geo-political giants being India and China, and therefore are eager to discover from experiential in this privileged strategic Himalayan  powerplace, what are the current background and realities of today's exchanges; what are the supporting myths of social control; what are the underlying ethnic, economic, political and religious systems in place or under transformation; and finally more simply, what is true about the Tibetan, Nepal, India and China issues as perceived when situated at the core of the Himalayan migration, in the year 2004. 

Cairn looks for interesting and interested Asian, EU and American postgraduate researchers, NGO professionals and/or students, who seek a fundamental re-appraisal of their skills, knowledge and attitude, when placed in a challenging capacity building process helpful to the target communities and often also in a context of quite unknown efficacy, so as to discover, build and demonstrate their potentials to be future leaders in Euro / America - Asian relations. 

Because, more often than not, core cultural or attitudinal mis-representations in both Europe and America plague the building up of any long-term relationship to be grounded on ethics and mutual confidence,  the need for more awareness and understanding of such issues as: Tibetan Dharma practices, Nepal current (post-) Development- Aid disaster (Maoists Insurgency), assessment of actual Chinese or India economic influence (the increasing migration of youth and workers to India and China, or Arabian countries), and/or the INGOs/Donors/media roles and prognostics for the Maoist Insurgency, being only a few among many other issues, will bring to the participants some  spectacular surprises, from the first Glimpses of Real Life around Bodhnath Stupa, up to the long term better knowledge of people, policies, and the hermeneutics and practices of the Himalayan people and resonance within themselves. 

Cairn programme is neither a typical Dharma monasteries enrolment hidden agenda, nor a typical anthropology research project layout, nor a language-based program, nor is it a cosy trek in and around the Himalaya or Tibet. It is first a challenging Cultural Immersion Research process where students and researchers are faced with many contradicting facets, such as : the need for self-discipline while seeking inspiration, how to conduct field-study in a cahotic context while gathering relevant documentation, how to push their project to fruition with often limited resources, meet the needs and kindness of people in a country in civil war and at the same time remain focused, and finally see the results brought by their own actions...

Participants will enjoy interactions with the many people they will meet, share and work with. They have full advantage of the opportunities that genuine cultural immersion programs may provide.  Initiative, awareness, ethics and drive are important characteristics for successful projects. 

Beyond these academic and motivational requirements, participants will need to have the ability to work from their own initiative within a diversified cultural context and within target-communities, where fruitful relations are based on mutual trust and respect.  Honesty, adaptability, openness, and tolerance are essential qualities. 

Cairn organizes this programme in order to facilitate the access, for EU- and American researchers, development professionals and postgraduate students, to strategic
Euro-Asia  Transcultural  Counselling Field- Research & Courses Options 
in Nepal, India, Tibet/TAR China and S-Asia.

Options include training resources in Post- Development Policies, Rehabilitation, Crisis Prevention and Remediation, Vocational, Career and/or Educational Counselling, Education online, Investigation Journalism or simple Volunteer projects, as well as more indepth training experiential in healing and psychotherapy in Tibetan Traditional Medicine Psychology (Tsa-rLung Healing). These can be linked easily to the participants academic background within disciplines such as : Clinical Anthropology, Health Anthropology, Social/Health Education, Applied Psychology to Counselling, Ethno-medicine, Phenomenology, Transpersonal (Holistic) Psychotherapy, as well as Applied Psychology to HRD and Organization Management.

A short list of high quality online training resources and highly qualified practitioners has been selected in situ, for designing, delivering, coaching and facilitating the inputs at the various professional levels required for ECTS/ECDL credits in professional training research certification.

Tibetan Medicine  Philosophy, Psychology & Energo-therapy Tsa-rLung

Cairn Tibetan  Medicine- Philosophy   & Applied Psychology Training
Postgraduate, Masters  & Doctorate Studies
HEI Provider Status

Cairn Boddhanath Euro-Asian Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies in Tibetan 
Medicine- Philosophy & Applied Psychology Training is now fully operational 
in Boddhnath/KTM under the umbrella of the SXC/SXSSC (HEI INGO) affiliation 
(MoU signed in Jan2004), as well as in close collaboration with local social/health 
intervention NGOs and Tibetan medicine traditional health care centers in the 

Cairn organizes the present Options, based upon a stepwise cultural appropriate approach, being the  chronological succession of five  (5) Modules and seven (7) Sub-Modules (Levels) of scheduled courses and/or field- research options and activities, namely:

Please choose amongst CAIRN Modules and Options hereunder:


Module One: Applied  Psychology to Counselling (TOT Online Courses / Open Learning)
(open learning / adult continuous education ECTS/ECDL certification)

For more details, please click here! : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/cairn03.html


Module Two: Tibetan Medicine  Tsa-rLung  Energotherapy and Applied Psychology  Courses
(Only for CAIRN graduates and/or professionals)

For more details, please click here! : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/tsalung.html


Module Three: Tibetan Medicine  Materia Medica  Field- Research and Courses Options Tibetan Medicine Materia Medica, Philosophy  and  Psychology curriculum, based upon a stepwise culturally appropriate approachbeing a chronological succession of three (3) levels of scheduled courses and/or field- research activities. 

For more details, please click here! : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/boddha.html


Module Four: Tibetan Medicine  Tsa-rLung  Energotherapy and Psychotherapy Seminars (Only for postgraduates and/or professionals)

For more details, please click here! : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/seminar.html


Module Five: Applied  Psychology to  Euro-Asian  Cross-cultural  Counselling (TOT course)

(Open to all...)
For more details, please click here! : https://cairn-erasmus.tripod.com/psycho.html







Euro-Asia Transcultural   Cultural Immersion  Volunteer  Options

15, 21~ days,  and  upto 4 months in  Nepal,  India or Tibet (TAR)
Quality  Escorted  Experiential  Tours  & R&D  Field-studies  in
 Tibetan  Traditional  Medicine  and  Tantras  Psychology, 
Arts Therapy,  Himalayan Shamans Healing
and Divination,  Termas  Powerplaces :



  • Gain an understanding of cross-cultural differences

  • Develop ways to improve communications between NGOs  employees and colleagues in Asia, Europe and the US, or  between academic multicultural teams 

  • Gain a better understanding of how cultural differences impact communications, management and business development

  • Understand Asian & Western business etiquette & protocol

  • Gain an understanding of how the Asians, Americans and Europeans view each other

  • Understand the intricacies of cross-border marketing

  • Develop print and web content that is culturally sensitive 





CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars


 Erasmus Mundus and Asia-Link Framework: Y2005-06

 Cross-Cultural Awareness Applied Psychology Training

 Tibetan Medicine Philosophy and Materia Medica (ECTS)


tiblinks.gif (1484 bytes)





Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars



CAIRN  CONSORTIUM  INTERNATIONAL | Nepal | Tibet | Bruxelles | Nice |London


CAIRN Consortium  is joining together human resources counselling training  and
ICT- / Adult Education Online   technology  for a renewed  Euro-Asian  expertise 

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training 

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our Webpages , or if you  have any problems loading the Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage
with your browser, kindly contact us by email at : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> ,  or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>