update: 01AUG2005
















  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005












Humanitarian   Assistance  Boddhanath Stupa - Safe Heaven :   " The  Island of Peace  Project "





Namgyal Rimpoche





Cairn Campus Online



Cairn Consortium



Cairn  Erasmus
EU-NGO Partners



Cairn  Counselling


Healing & Rejuvenation


Caer Sidi 2005



Humanitarian  Assistance

Boddhanath : Island of Peace


Cain e- Marketing


Tibetan " Tsa-rLung "


General Programme


Cairn Campus
Professional Doctorate
Field-research & Thesis


Cairn Campus
Boddhanath Stupa
Tibetan Medicine &
Psychotherapy (R&D)

amchi3.gif - 27.51 K


Cairn Campus


Cairn Campus
Audio-visual  Anthropology
(Digital Archives Project)


Cultural Immersion Field-studies Nepal/India


Tibetan Medicine,
Tsa-rLung Healing
and  Rejuvenation Seminars
(January-February 2005)



Research Publication




  William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2005








Tibetan Psychology Counselling e-Center    
(in France, Wales UK, Belgium and Nepal)    



Welcome to CAIRN  





Welcome to Cairn Cultural Immersion  e-learning site !

Here you will find information about our Cultural Immersion Options in Nepal/India/Tibet/China, CAIRN  UK- based digital courses and video-cam/email individual coaching system. This work is being carried out in partnership with selected NGOS, EU-/UK- academic units, INGOs consultants and social/health practitioners in the EU, UK, Canada, USA, Nepal, Tibet TAR China, India and S-Asia.

Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.

Cairn Academic Coaching  is a personalized program and is offered one-on-one by appointment.

CAIRN offers a rigorous but flexible program of experiential cultural immersion study options, grounded on the methodology of Adult Continuous Education Mixed Mode ECTS/ECDL Certification and e-Learning resources in the integrated fields of Health Anthropology, Humanitarian Assistance, Applied Psychology to Counselling and Tibetan Medicine Energotherapy. Based on the comparative approach of the Tibetan Nyingma tradition, it is enriched with studies and practices from other faiths, practices and philosophies, such as the Qi Qong, Tao, Keltic, Shamanic and Yogas healing traditions, as well as western science, pedagogy, psychology and organizational leadership training methods.

The curriculum follows levels of a stepwise knowledge and embodiment coursework, designed to develop a fully qualified practice in ethical organizational leadership, healing and counselling. The levels correspond to EU Postgraduate and Professional Doctorate levels study. Serious students who don't want to complete the whole curriculum and people non interested in certification, per se, but would like to follow CAIRN Experiential Tours & Study practices are also welcome to participate.



Jobs, study and training for 
European Postgraduates in Asia 



  Asian Postgraduate Options






Euro-Asia  Cultural Immersion  Humanitarian Volunteer  Options

Coaching , Experiential Seminars and Training Online Consultancy for helping academic exchange and new graduates, postgraduates or experienced professionals to get Humanitarian Assistance training and NGO- jobs 



________________  Innovative programme    ________________

Cairn offers  academic  and  non-academic options,  open to all... 


Here you will find information full details on CAIRN cultural immersion options in Asia, EU and UK, as well as the methodology for personalized projects coaching, courses & database online, conferences, seminars and video-cam e-coaching system.   This work is being carried out in close partnership with academic units, NGOs consultants and social/health practitioners in the EU, UK, Canada, USA, Nepal, Tibet TAR China, India and S-Asia.



Welcome to the beginning of a new educational and developmental counselling experience. The purpose of this portal is to introduce you to direct and simple counselling over the internet. There are a number of methods used to do this. There is email, audio chat (voice) and video webcam online, which are easily accessible on PC simply if you either use your Yahoo.com or Hotmail.com usual login and password. CAIRN preferred method will be in future direct PC- video webcam. 

Together, you and me, as your personal academic coach, we will assess your own vision of things on you want to achieve Postgraduate and Doctorate Studies, or more simply go through a Catharsis and Rejuvenation using Himalayan Traditional Healing Practices. On the academic side, will will review stepwisely the expectations of your academic supervisors, your personal project demands in courses material, the risks which contextual research involves, the learning strengths and logistics required, the areas which you will need to investigate in your research work, and the best strategies to use in your assignments. CAIRN as your academic coach will help you improve your data gathering and analysis, the access to target-groups cultural immersion, the taking, writing and reporting structure, the language spoken, the self- time management, the online and library reading, the field- research methodology preparation and your overall strategy.

In addition to personal help with these learning and field research strategies being of relevance for effective development in the Asian context abiding to EU academic rules, CAIRN also organizes non-academic field-study and tours for personal Pilgrimage and Practices Rejuvenation.



Cairn Erasmus is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.

Cairn Academic Coaching  is a personalized program and is offered one-on-one by appointment.




CAIRN International Cultural Immersion will improve students' ability to work in an increasingly global environment. The goal is to prepare postgraduate students and professional trainees for focused international tasks, promote interactive and communicative skills and encourage an open and receptive attitude towards the Himalayan region ethnic cultures. Cairn Euro-Asian Network will further increase opportunities for internships, field-research and online studies within an international dimension and with selected international experts cooperation

Cairn Cross-Cultural Awareness program stresses that for an Euro-Asian cross-cultural training to be effective as an enhancement for an international development organization, it must deal with several complexities in the learning process, including that of providing flexible options for genuine Projects-based Cultural Immersion.

It is a personalized cultural immersion e-learning and communication gateway for parents, teachers, and postgraduate research students. It offers selected online courses and field-research resources focused on Asian LDCs development priorities and intervention research  niches, such as in HRD Capacity Building, e-Marketing, NLPIII, Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective Anthropology, Tibetan Traditional Healing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Remediation, etc...   Being certified as Cross-cultural Awareness Postgraduate personal research or training projects, within a  flexible menu, Cairn options are organized from the SXC/Cairn KTM selected resources, based in Nepal, northern India, Tibet TAR China, Canada, USA, UK and EU.



Nyima-Dzong Verdon (C): OKC1973



Cairn Consortium Network is an online forum for discussing the promotion of Tibetan Medicine anthropology research, psychology and psychotherapy training, and for using Himalayan traditional healing in modern life.

CAIRN Tibetan Medicine Tsa-rLung Energotherapy & Psychotherapy Cultural Immersion cum Online Coaching is a new R&D initiative decided in July 2005, after further experiential testing undertaken this year in both Nepal and in the S-of-France Verdon's Vajrayana and Keltic archetypes related Powerplaces. It follows more than 35 years present and past studies and analyzis on the possible points of contact between Tibetan Medicine Tantras and Psychology (ref-: Tarab Tulku, Tenzin Namdak, Tenzin Wangyal, Chögyam Trungpa, Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche) and Western Psychology application in Energotherapy, Archetypal Catharsis and Tantric Rejuvenation.

This new option includes a detailed experiential study of the unique psychological aspects of Tibetan Vajrayana resonance in Western and Asian psyche, as presented nowadays under the Nyingma-Pa and Bon-Po lineages, including a direct academic articulation with Tibetan Medicine Materia Medica and the functions of the mind. It illustrates the seek for appropriate therapeutic techniques to provide Western students with training directed to understand both their own background, their potential skills, their envisioned praxis and above all their patient’s needs.
The course provides a sound basis for diagnosis and therapy appropriate to the psycho-somatic disturbance to optimize and re-establish psychological balance and health in the subject.

It is believed that the concept of moving qi in the body originated in Tibet and China over 6,000 years ago.  Qigong (chee gong) predates and underlies yoga, the martial arts, and many types of healing.  Ancient Chinese qigong and Tibetan Tsa-rlung are forms to move energy within the body for healing, health, and longevity. Practicing Tsa-rlung and Qigong movements, meditations, and visualization techniques will enable you to guide and regulate the flow of qi (prana) to develop a healthy body, attain mental stability, and promote spiritual growth and constant rejuvenation.


Online Counselling

Cairn  Online  Counselling offers a new way to reach a personalized indepth cultural immersion project coach or to be linked with genuine traditional healers training in Asia. From this portal, we offer consultations via e-mail, e-chat or webcam. You can contact us from anywhere, anytime, and usually get a response within 24 hours. 

What is Online Coaching for?  Many Westerners are attracted more and more by the Himalayan region and its heritage. Some want precise information on the available local resources, logistics or topics for field-research in the region, some others just want to visit and meet people. If you want to verify issues linked to Healing, Yoga, Dharma, or more simply if you feel depressed, stuck in a routine, or unhappy with your current level of energy in life; and above all, if you want precise information in the realm of Tibetan Traditional Medicine Tsa-rLung Healing, Tantras, Yogas and/or Rejuvenation resources - please, e-mail us. We have more than 30 years experience with a wide variety of resources linked to Tibetan practices, as well as with related psychological situations. We also help people with health problems (from mild to severe), to contact local Tibetan Medicine Centers. We do know that not everything is suitable for e-mail contact- but for seeking remedials in Tibetan Traditional Health, email exchange most certainly is OK!...

Looking for a rejuvenation yoga coach? Want to find if Tibetan Tsa-rLung Healing technics can really help you?  Please look our webpages. We can e-mail each other, as often as you'd like...

CAIRN features Himalayan traditional healing training and resources to augment your inner energy, help create more balance and  benefit your lifestyle, in a way consistent with your philosophy...


Fully confidential

Completely confidential, professional counselling and psychotherapy is available for those who live too far from the office, who are too busy to take time off from their work, careers, and/or family obligations, who do not have transportation, who prefer the anonymity of the telephone or e-mail, who find eye contact too unpleasant, and/or who just want short-term convenient, cost-effective therapeutic problem solving.

Cairn Consortium  offers affordable, professional, and confidential psychological consultations and training by ICT- database, email, telephone and video-cam online.

The same goes for personalized Cultural Immersion Tour&Study Coaching being organized regularly in Nepal, Tibet TAR, China or other countries of Asia.

> more on Cultural Immersion ; please click here !..



Nepal / Himalayan Region
Field-study  Itineraries
click here!

CAIRN also organizes non-credit specialization field-study certificates
in Nepal/Himalayan Region for clinical professionals and scholars








 LAAP Laboratoire Anthropologie Prospective





INTERNATIONAL  | Nepal | India | China | Bruxelles Belgium | Nice | Genoa |Paris |  Canada | USA  | London |Wales |


|   CAIRN  Campus Online  Consortium   |   Postgraduate  Programme   |   Counselling   Training   |  Nepal Cultural Immersion  &  Field-studies   |   Powerplaces   |



Copyright©  and  Footnote

This webpage is part of the CAIRN Campus Online  Counselling Training (Tsa-rLung) being designed for the academic year 2004-05. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration.

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpage, or if you  have any problems loading Keltic Trilogy / Cairn Homepage with your browser,
kindly contact us by email at our address : <leon@sped.ucl.ac.be> , or  at : <william_rene@hotmail.com>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Organization (EU-NGO) / High Education (HEI) and Training Provider, affiliated with
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM / Nepal,  the UWS/CDS (Swansea University Wales / Center for Development Studies),
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN),
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs,
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001-04!

Copyright © 1997-2004 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -